Frontier Justice: Doc’s Shack

The Doc’s Shack in your Township will open after each Battle for the Governorship, State Rivalry, or Top State event has ended, and will remain open until midnight the next day.

When open, you can enter the Doc’s Shack interface and revive troops you lost during the last round of the last event.

Use the Miraculous Pill to revive lost troops. You’ll be able to revive a set base number plus a certain percentage of your dead troops from the preceding event. Troops will be revived based on the ratios for each troop level. You can revive up to 80% of your deceased troops this way. You can also request allies to use Assistance Vouchers to help you revive troops through mutual assistance. Each instance of mutual assistance will revive a set proportion of your troops, up to a maximum of 10%. Using the above two methods, you can revive up to 90% of your dead troops.

Once the Doc’s Shack closes its doors to the land of the living, any dead troops that have not already been revived will be lost forever.

Tap the Casualty Report button in the Doc’s Shack interface to view info relating to your losses from the latest round of the Battle for the Governorship, State Rivalry, or Top State event, including the number of troops revived and those left awaiting revival.

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