March of Empires: The Beginner’s Guide – How to play?

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How can I chat with other players?

You can tap on the Chat to access the Chat menu located at the bottom of your screen. There are several types of chats: global, alliance, officers’ (depending on your position in your Alliance), chat during RvR and chat with allied alliances (if you have any). You can chat with everyone in the Global tab or only with your Alliance members in the Alliance tab.

How does the Link Device option work?

You can link your save from an old device to a new one by going to Options, then Connection and selecting Link Device. Please keep in mind that you will need a Game Center, MSN, or Google Play Games account to transfer within the same platform, or a transfer code to transfer your account between different platforms.

How can I upgrade a building?

You can do this by selecting a building in your city and then tapping the Upgrade icon. You can upgrade a building if you have reached the building’s resource and next-level requirements.

How can I start research?

Upgrade your Castle to level 3 to unlock the Academy District. Tap on the Academy building and choose from the available research.

How can I get more Energy for my Adventure Party?

Your remaining Energy is displayed in the bar at the top and can be refilled either by waiting or using Energy items. To get more Energy, tap the “+” icon next to the Energy bar in the Adventures screen. You can buy the amount of Energy you want to replenish with Gold.

How can I attack an enemy player’s city?

You can only attack players who do not belong to your alliance. Tap on their city and then tap the Attack icon. Then, choose your formation, units, choose whether or not to include a champion, and start an Attack March. Once the March reaches its target, the battle occurs and you will receive a Battle Report.

How can I gather resources on the World Map?

Find a tile and then send an army to gather resources. Note that you cannot occupy a tile if it has already been occupied by a member of your alliance. If the tile is occupied by a player not from your alliance, you can attack them and take control of the tile upon victory.

How can I upgrade Regional Structures?

Regional Structures can be upgraded with Silver from your Castle or, if you have permission, using Alliance Silver.

How can I attack and claim a Regional Capital (territory, land)?

To attack a Regional Capital, you need to start a Rally against a Capital in Regions that are adjacent to any of your Alliance Regions. If your Alliance doesn’t control any Regions, you can start Rallies only against Level-1 Regional Capitals that are adjacent to the initial area, called No Man’s Land.

How can I switch my faction?

There is an item in the Shop called “Change Faction.” If you use it, you will be redirected to the Faction menu, where you will be able to once again choose one of the three factions.

How can I purchase more Gold?

You can tap the Bundles Shop icon and buy a bundle. Some of the offered bundles contain both Gold and additional gifts.

How can I purchase Speed-Ups?

All Speed-Ups can be bought from the Shop with Gold or you can get them from Bundles.

When do the Daily Urn and Alliance Chests appear?

The Daily Urn can be claimed every 2 Hours. The Alliance Chest and Daily Urn streaks reset once per day.

What is VIP?

VIP provides bonuses for players with an active VIP status. You receive VIP points every day that you can use to level up your VIP status. A higher-level VIP status provides even better bonuses after activation.

How can I search for an Alliance?

There is a Search icon on the second page of the bottom bar that you can use to search for any Alliance using the Alliance Tag or Alliance Name. You can also use the Search option in the Join Alliance tab when you are not in an Alliance.

How do I banish someone from my alliance’s lands?

You can only banish players who are not in your alliance. To do this, a banish task has to be assigned first. Tap on the player’s castle, then on the tasks icon located at the bottom-left corner of the pop-up and choose Banish Player. After the player is defeated, their castle will be automatically teleported from the alliance territory (banished). Note that you have to be at least a Task Master in the Alliance in order to be able to set such a task.

How can we change the Alliance’s leader?

You can change the Alliance leader either when the current leader assigns another member as leader, or when a Duke or higher-level officer initiates a vote for another officer to be promoted.

How do I change my Champion’s appearance?

Please note that you can change your Champion’s appearance by going to Arena > Change Champion. You can also change the frame by going to Arena > Customize.

What are the Trading Posts and where can they be found?

The Trading Post allows you to trade resources in your Region. Leveling up your Trading Post will allow you to make more trading offers and increase your trade-payout capacity. A Trading Post is present in every Region. It looks like a white tower on the regional Map, and like a sack on the World Map.

How can I find my Realm ID and Realm name?

Go to the regional Map and tap on the Realms icon in the top-right corner to check your Realm ID and Realm name.

How can I help allies?

You can help allies by going to the Alliance > Aid Allies tab, or by tapping on the Aid Allies icon on the right side of the screen.

How can I assign tasks?

You can assign a task on multiple objects on the map. You need to tap on an object on the map, then tap on the icon in the bottom-left corner of the pop-up menu, and choose a task to assign.

To assign a task, please follow these steps:

1. Go to the resource tile/castle and tap on it;

2. In the bottom-left corner of the pop-up, a Map will appear;

3. Tap on the Map and you will have 1-2 options to assign.

What happens to my troops when Food drops to zero?

For the moment, nothing happens. The number of troops will remain the same, but you will not be able to train/heal troops until you have food.

Where can I find my Gameloft Player ID?

Go to Options > About. There, you will see your Gameloft Player ID displayed in red.

How can I check faction bonuses?

Go to Items > My Inventory > Utility. There you can find the Faction Change item and tap “Use” to see the bonuses of all factions (please note that the item will not actually be used).

If you don’t want to change your current faction, you can simply cancel the operation by tapping on the Back icon.

Another option is to find a city belonging to the faction you are interested in, tap on it, then tap Player Profile and on the “i” icon in the top-right corner next to the faction name.

How can I become an Alliance Champion?

To become an Alliance Champion you have to gather social points, which can provide you with fame. You can gather them by tapping the Help icon to help alliance members, by clearing World Encounters and resource tiles on your alliance’s lands, completing limited-time Alliance tasks and participating in Alliance Events. The competition to be Alliance Champion starts every Monday and lasts until Sunday at noon. The player with the most fame will receive the Alliance Champion title at the end of the period.

How can I start a rally against a Regional Capital?

To start a rally against a Regional Capital, choose which Regional Capital you want to conquer and tap the “Rally” icon.

How do I make Champion items work?

You simply need to equip the items in order for them to take effect.

How can I change the City Skin?

Just open the map, select your Castle and tap the “City Skins” icon. There, you will be able to select or buy a new skin.

How do I train in more than one barracks?

When training troops, you are always using the total capacity of all Barracks. Please note that each barracks has a maximum training capacity (based on its level). The more barracks you have, the more units you can train.

How many times can I change realms?

You can change realms as many times as you want as long as you meet the requirements for the realm change.

How can I upgrade Champion equipment?

Tap on your Champion’s icon (upper-right corner). Here you can see the equipment that your Champion is using. To upgrade a piece of equipment, just tap on it and tap the “Upgrade” icon.

What happens if I deconstruct a building?

If you deconstruct any building, it is removed from the slot and you will have to rebuild it from level 1.

Can I earn Gold when raiding a Castle?

No, you can only get Food, Wood, Stone, Iron, Silver and equipment.

How can I train my army?

Locate the Barracks building inside your city and tap the Train icon beside one of the units you want to train. You can choose the number of units you want to train. The maximum will depend on the number of resources you have and training capacity.

How do I receive messages from a player that is muted?

In order to unmute the player, please go to Mail -> Ignored Players (top right corner) and tap on the green cross next to the Ignored Player’s name.

Why do my mails disappear?

The maximum number of Private mail messages stored in your Inbox is 500. Every new message above 500 removes the oldest in this section.

All messages older than 30 days are removed from the corresponding section, with the exception of ones that were added to the Favorites section.

The Favorites section has a limit of 100, so when this number is reached, you need to remove a message from this section in order to add a new one.

When you add a mail conversation to the Favorites section, it is stored in its current state (no new messages from the same thread will be added later) and takes up as many Favorites slots as there are messages in the conversation.

The Ignored Players section shows you a list of players you’ve ignored and allows you to un-ignore them. The list is limited to 50 players and upon reaching this limit, players cannot be added to it before others are first removed.

What is a Redeem Code and how can I use it?

Currently, Redeem Codes are not used in the game.

How do I find a player in March of Empires?

A specific player can only be found via a manual search of the map.

How can I cancel my Deluxe VIP Subscription?

The Deluxe VIP Subscription can only be canceled through the corresponding app store, depending on the platform on which the subscription was activated.

When will the Seasonal Feat end? Is there a calendar?

The start and end dates of Seasonal Feats are displayed in the Realm History section of the Hall of Fame tab. You can always check the dates there.

How do I change realms?

You can switch realms before reaching Castle level 7 or 2,000,000 Might. To do so, please go to the World Map and tap on the Realms icon in the top-right corner in order to change realms. Please note that if you choose to become a student, you will no longer be able to transfer to another realm (event-related invasions will still be possible).

Is there a way to unmute a player in the chat?

Please open the Chat tab and tap on the Ignored Players icon in the top-right corner to adjust your ignored players list.

How can I build a building?

Tap an empty slot in your city to access the Building List. Choose a building then tap the Build icon.

How can I unlock districts in my city?

You can unlock districts by upgrading your Castle. At certain levels, you will unlock extra districts in your city. Every district has its own extra slots that can be used by the player to add buildings.

How can I hire Adventurers and complete adventures?

When a new Adventurer appears in the Tavern, you can hire them to improve your Adventure Party. Tap on Quests and then on Adventures. From there, you can send your Adventure Party to complete them.

How do I change my Adventure Party members?

You can either tap on the Tavern in your city or tap on the Tavern icon in the Adventures screen. Under Party Members, tap the Customize Party icon to assign members.

How can I unlock and upgrade formations?

Formations are unlocked or upgraded by upgrading your Castle.

How can I trade resources?

To trade resources, you need to find a Trading Post. There you can find available trade deals and exchange one resource for another.

How can I control a Region?

You have to join an Alliance. Alliances can conquer Regions and by doing so, you will receive influence, allowing you to unlock Alliance perks and control Regional Structures.

How can I attack a Regional Capital?

To attack a Regional Capital, you need to start a Rally in Regions that are adjacent to any of your Alliance Regions. If your Alliance doesn’t control any Regions, you can only send Rallies to Regions that are adjacent to the initial area, called No Man’s Land.

How can I heal my wounded units?

Wounded units can only be healed once you have the Temple district unlocked. To heal units, tap the Temple, choose how many units you want to heal and pay for their recovery.

How can I train Faction Units?

You can train Faction Units in the Royal Barracks. The Royal Barracks is unlocked once your Castle is level 15.

How can I level up my Champion?

Your Champion will level up after you gain enough experience. Your Champion gains experience from battles or by completing Quests.

Where can I find Champion equipment?

Equipment for your Champion can be found after depleting a mine or completing big battles. You can also use the Reforge mechanic to destroy 4 equipment items to receive a new, potentially better piece of equipment.

How can I increase my district bonuses?

By constructing more buildings and increasing the level of those buildings.

How can I navigate between city view, the World Map and the Strategy Map?

You can navigate between city view and the World Map by tapping the icon in the bottom-left corner. To reach the Strategy Map, go to the World Map and tap on the icon in the top-left corner.

How can I search for coordinates on the World Map?

Tap the Locate icon at the top of the World Map screen. Type the coordinates you want to find and you will be relocated to them.

Where are the trading posts?

The Trading Post allows you to trade resources in your Region. Leveling up your Trading Post will allow you to make more trading offers and increase your trade capacity. A Trading Post is present in every Region. It looks like a white tower on the regional Map, and like a sack on the World Map.

How can I find my Realm ID?

Tap on the Realms icon in the top-right corner of the regional Map to check your Realm ID.

Why don’t I receive Champion XP after attacks?

You will receive XP only if your Champion is included in the attacking march.

Where can I see my trading reports?

You can check your trading reports by going to Mail > Economy.

Why are my food supplies flashing red?

This means that your upkeep is higher than your total hourly income. To adjust this, you can level up or build more Farms, use Unit Upkeep boosts, equip gear that decreases your upkeep, etc.

What happens when upkeep is higher than food income and food goes to zero?

For the moment, nothing happens. The number of troops will remain the same, but you will not be able to train/heal troops until you have food.

How can I know if another City in my alliance is shielded?

When a City has a Peace Shield active, you will see an iron wall covering that City.

How can I become the Emperor of a realm?

To become an Emperor, you have to control the Throne of Might. This Throne can be found in the center of the realm.

How is Alliance Treasure generated?

Alliance Treasure is generated by purchasing bundles. The more bundles, the more points you score and the higher the amount of treasure. At the end of the week, players from the Alliance receive gold from the Alliance Treasure (the amount of gold depends on the level of the Alliance Treasury).

What is a Non-aggression Pact?

Alliances in NAPs and Alliance Pacts can propose an alliance agreement to each other (NAP unlocks Vassalage, Alliance Pact unlocks all of them).

Where can I see the bonuses before I change factions?

Go to Items > My Inventory > Utility. There you will see the Faction Change item. You can tap on it to see the bonuses of all factions, and if you don’t want to change factions, you can tap Cancel.

How can I change my alliance name?

Please note that only the alliance leader can change the name of the alliance. You can do this by tapping on the “Alliance” icon; then, in the upper-right corner of the screen, you will see a small grey icon to edit the alliance name.

Can I share Scout and Battle Reports with alliance members?

Players can share only Battle Reports with alliance members. To do that, please go to Army > Reports, then select the Battle Report and you will see the “Share” icon in the upper-right part of the screen.

How can I create a new alliance and become its leader?

To create a new alliance, please tap on the “Alliance” icon and then enter the name and the tag of the alliance. After creating an alliance, you automatically become its leader.

How can I capture a Regional Capital?

As a new alliance or as an alliance without regions, you can capture only the Regional Capitals that are at the edge of the map. To do that, choose which Regional Capital you want to conquer and tap the “Raid” icon.

What is a Tournament Invitation, and how can I use it?

To enter a Tournament, you need to gather Tournament Invitations from Daily Quest Chests or purchase them from the in-game Shop. Once you have 5 Invitations, you can enlist in the Tournament through the Tournament World Map structure near the Seat of War.

How do I use the Demolition Tools?

Just tap on the building you want to demolish and tap “Deconstruct.”

Can we have a Union agreement with more than one alliance?

No, only two alliances can form a Union agreement.

How can I change the Castle’s skin?

Just open the map, select your Castle and tap the “City Skins” icon. There you will be able to select a new skin.

How do I become a governor?

Governors are appointed by Alliance Leaders. Only players with the rank of Task Master, Duke, Diplomat or War General are eligible to become Governors.

How does the Merge Event work?

The top 50 Alliances from the leaderboard will be dispatched in the best 50 Regions of the new Realm. Other Alliances and solo players will be relocated randomly in the other 450 Regions and on No Man’s Land. For more detailed information, please check the March of Empires Facebook page.

How can I disband some of my troops?

Only wounded troops can be disbanded. To do this go to the Temple, select the troops and tap the “Disband” icon.

Where can I find the Throne of Might?

The Throne of Might is located in the center of a realm.

My Food resources decrease for no reason. Why?

Every unit in the army has an upkeep level (the amount of Food consumed by a unit each hour). You can see the total hourly upkeep if you tap on a Farm.

Can I move buildings after they are already placed?

No, this is not possible, so please make sure to choose the best spot to place your building the first time.

How can I acquire more resources?

Resources are generated by economy-related buildings in your city. They can also be gathered from mines on the World Map or traded for in Trading Posts, received from Adventures, and as a reward for completing Quests. The Quests and Adventures sections are located in the Quests menu at the bottom of the screen.

How can I play the lottery?

You can play the lottery by navigating to the lottery section — one of the menus located at the bottom of your screen. The lottery is a dice game that provides great rewards.

How can I use my March Speed boost?

Start a march and tap on the Speed Up icon. The Marches menu automatically expands every time you send a march. There you will see 3 icons: “Recall,” “Go to” and “Speed Up.” Tap on the “Speed Up” icon to use the March Speed items you have. Please note that some items can’t be used from the My Inventory tab, such as March Speed, Precise Relocation, Champion Change, etc.

Where can I see the duration of my Shield?

There is a “Bonuses and Effects” menu to the right of the screen. You can also check your Peace Shield timer by going to Items > War > Peace Shield.

Why can’t I switch off the sound in the game?

Please try changing the game’s language right after turning off the in-game sound. This will save the settings. Afterwards you can go back to the language you prefer.

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  1. why does a person have to change or reset talents?

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