Ranking of the Top Artifacts in Call Of Dragons for 2023

In Call of Dragons, artifacts play a crucial role in making your heroes stronger. There are numerous artifacts available in the game, each with its own unique skills and buffs. Some artifacts are incredibly powerful and outperform others in every in-game situation. Upgrading and leveling artifacts is a challenging task, but it is important to ensure your heroes are as strong as possible.

To choose the right artifact, you should consider factors such as what heroes you are using, what stage of the game you are in, and what your goals are. In general, it is recommended to use artifacts that are rated as tier S and tier A, as they are the best in the game and offer the best return on your time and effort.

If you are a new player, artifacts may not be a major concern at first. However, as you progress further in the game, it is important to avoid using artifacts that are rated as tier C and tier D, as they are the worst in Call of Dragons. Once you have selected the right artifact, you can check the Call of Dragons Heroes Tier list to find out the best heroes for your gameplay.

Please note that the artifact tier list is still in beta and will be updated when additional testing is done or when the game is officially released.

Description of the most interesting artifacts

Artifact Name
Amulet of Glory C Epic Cavalry Cavalry Unit HP +3% 1m 30s
Ancient Tree Roots C Legendary Gathering Legion Load Capacity +8%
Legion HP +2%
Blade of Reproach A Epic Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +3% 45s
Boots of Swiftness C Elite Mobility Legion March Speed +3% 45s
Breath of Jargentis A Legendary Magic Magic Unit ATK +6%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Cloak of Stealth C Epic Cavalary Cavalry Unit ATK +3% 1h
Codex of Prophecy B Epic Infantry Infantry unit DEF +3% 1m 30s
Crown of the Berserker C Elite Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +2% 45s
Dragonscale Armor S+ Legendary Infantry Infantry unit HP +4%
Legion HP +2%
1m 30s
Freezing Ring B Epic Magic Magic Unit DEF +3% 4m
Giant’s Bone C Epic Peackeeping Peacekeeping Damage +5% 1m 30s
Greenfinger Sickle C Epic Gathering Legion Load Capacity +3% | Legion HP +3% 12h
Greymar’s Warhammer S Legendary Infantry Infantry unit DEF +6%
Legion DEF +2%
1m 30s
Harlequin Mask S Elite Infantry Infantry unit DEF +2% 10s
Illusory Gold C Advanced Gathering Gather Speed 1m 30s
Joyous Fireworkds B Advanced Building Build Engineering +1% 1m 10s
Kurrata’s Wrath C Legendary Peacekeeping Peacekeeping Damage +8%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Storm Arrows A Legendary Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +6%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Kingslayer S+ Legendary Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +6%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Shadowblades S+ Legendary Marksman Marksman Unit ATK + 6%
Legion ATK + 2%
1m 30s
Phoenix Eye S+ Legendary Magic Magic Unit ATK +6%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Potion of Vigor C Epic Building Build Engineering +5% 6h
Sorland’s Blade S Legendary Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +6%
Legion March Speed +3%
1m 30s
Spirit Bangle C Epic Magic Magic Unit HP +3% 9m
Spring of Silence S+ Legendary Infantry Infantry unit ATK +6%
Legion ATK +2%
1m 30s
Springbird Feather A Legendary Mobility Legion March Speed +8%
Legion HP + 2%
1m 30s
Staff of Spring B Epic Magic Magic Unit HP +3% 1m 30s
Storm Leaf C Advanced Gathering Legion Load Capacity +1% 1m 10s
Heartpiercer B Epic Marksman Marksman Unit ATK +3% 1m 30s
Archery Masters Manual B Epic Marksman Marksman Unit Def+3% 1m 30s
Magic Bomb S Epic Magic Magic Unit ATK +3% 1m 30s
Homecoming Blossom B Epic Mobility Legion March Speed +5% 1m 30s
Butcher’s Blade B Epic Infantry Cavalry Unit ATK +3% 1m 30s
Rapid Crossbow D Elite Marksman Marksman Unit HP +2% 1m 30s
Bone Cleaver D Elite Cavalry Cavalry Unit ATK +6% 1m 30s
Ever Ice D Elite Magic Magic Unit Def+2% 1m 30s
Veterans Diary C Elite Infantry Infantry unit ATK +2% 1m 30s
Lucia’s Horn C Legendary Gathering Gather Speed +8%
Legion DEF + 2%
Tear of Arbon S Legendary Magic Magic Unit HP +6%
Legion DEF +2%
1m 30s
Fang of Ashkari S Legendary Magic Magic Unit DEF +6%
Legion DEF +2%
1m 30s
Breath of the Forest A Legendary Garrison Garrisoned Army ATK +6%
Legion DEF +2%
Bloodblade Banner S Legendary Rally Rallied Army ATK +6%
Legion DEF +2%
Heart of Kamasi S Legendary Marksman Marksman Unit DEF +6%
Legion DEF +2%
1m 30s
Staff of the Prophet A Legendary Magic Magic Unit HP +4%
Legion HP+2%
Centaur Bow B Epic Cavalry Cavalry Unit DEF +3% 1m 30s
Greymar’s Warhammer S+ Legendary Infantry Infantry unit DEF+6%
Legion DEF +2%
1m 30s
Viola’s Bow S+ Legendary Marksman Magic Unit HP +4%
Legion HP+2%
1m 30s
Acid Breath A Legendary Magic / 1m 30s
Bomb Flinger A Epic Marksman Marksman Unit ATK +3%
Legion ATK +3%
1m 30s
Enchiridion of Advanced Incantations B Epic Magic Magic Unit ATK +3%
Legion ATK +3%
1m 30s
Infernal Flame S+ Legendary Magic Magic Unti ATK +5%
Legion ATK +5%
1m 30s
Dragonrift S Legendary Infantry Infantry unit ATK +5%
Legion ATK +5%
1m 30s
Visage of the Sanctus S Legendary Flying Flying unit DEF +5%
Legion ATK +4%
1m 30s
Wolf Woman of Haelor A Legendary Cavalry Cavalry Unit HP +3%
Legion Unit HP +3%
1m 30s
  • Amulet of Glory: Upon activation, this artifact provides a buff to your legions and up to 4 nearby allied legions once every 2 seconds. The buff reduces the damage taken from Darklings and Dark Creatures by 12% for 15 seconds.
  • Ancient Tree Roots: When used, this artifact teleports your legion to a random unmanned high-level resource point within a certain range after a brief charge-up time. The charging process can be interrupted if the legion moves, is attacked, or gains control effects.
  • Blade of Reproach: This artifact targets a specific legion (Darklings, Dark Creatures, and Behemoths only) and deals physical skill damage once. If the skill successfully eliminates the target legion, one buff is granted. Reproach’s damage increases by 20% for each buff obtained, with a maximum of 5 stacks. The buff effect lasts until the legion returns to the city or enters a stronghold or a resource point.
  • Boots of Swiftness: Upon activation, this artifact grants haste to your legion and up to 9 surrounding friendly legions, increasing their march speed by 26% for 10 seconds. However, after the effect wears off, the legion becomes fatigued and gains slow, reducing their march speed by 26% for 5 seconds.
  • Breath of Jargentis: Targets up to 10 enemy Legions in a circular area, inflicting DEF Break and reducing their DEF by 16% for 20s. If recast, the DEF Break does not stack but its duration is reset.
  • Freezing Ring: Grants Ice Defense to your Legion, making it immune to all damage for up to 15s. However, your Legion cannot carry out actions during this time. After Ice Defense ends, up to 10 surrounding enemy Legions are Slowed, reducing their March Speed by 30% for 8s. Casting again while Ice Defense is still active will cancel Ice Defense prematurely.
  • Giant’s Bone: Deals Skill damage once to up to 3 enemy Legions in a forward arc (Damage Factor 1200, affected by Legion’s ATK). The damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target. Additionally, there is a 45% chance of knocking the targets airborne and making them in the air for 3s.
  • Greenfinger Sickle: Can be cast while gathering Gold, Wood, Ore, and Mana. It immediately gathers 100k of the current resource from a Resource Point, provided that the Legion’s resource Load Capacity or the remaining amount of resources at the Resource Point is not exceeded.
  • Greymar’s Warhammer: Casts immediately. Deals Physical Skill damage once to up to 4 nearby enemy Legions in a circle (Damage Factor 1600, affected by Legion’s Physical ATK). The damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target. Legions damaged by the Skill will be Stunned for 2s. This effect can be triggered once every 10s.
  • Staff of Spring is an Artifact that heals lightly wounded units within the chosen target Legion, with a Healing Factor of 1200.
  • Storm Leaf is another Artifact that can be activated instantly. It causes damage to enemy armies, but the damage dealt is not specified in the description.
  • Viola’s Bow is an Artifact that deals Physical Skill damage to up to five enemy Legions within a selected rectangle, with a Damage Factor of 1600 that is affected by the enemy’s Physical ATK. Similar to Spring of Silence, each additional target reduces the damage dealt by 15%. Additionally, the Artifact inflicts Seal on the damaged Legions, rendering them unable to use Artifact Skills for the next 10 seconds.
  • Harlequin Mask: Casts on a target Legion (Darklings, Dark Creatures, and Behemoths only), forcing it to attack the commanded Legion for 5s.
  • Illusory Gold: Casts immediately, scattering gold upon the ground.
  • Cloak of Stealth: Grants Legions Stealth upon activation for 300s, decreasing their March Speed by 25%. While in Stealth, Legions cannot be detected normally and can only be detected if they move too close to the enemy. Performing attacks, taking damage, or opening Chests will cause Stealth to expire.
  • Codex of Prophecy: Immediately grants a Shield to Legions and up to 3 nearby Allied Legions that can absorb damage from Darklings, Dark Creatures, and Behemoths only (Shield Factor 1200) for 15s. Shields do not stack.
  • Crown of the Berserker: Grants Legions Keen and Haste, increasing their ATK by 10% and March Speed by 20%, while also inflicting DEF Break and reducing their DEF by 10% for 10s.
  • Dragonscale Armor: Targets up to 5 allied Legions in a circular area, granting them a shield that can block a significant amount of damage (Shield Factor 1600) for 10s. Additionally, it grants Physical Keen, increasing their Physical ATK by 10% for 5s.
  • Joyous Fireworks: Casts immediately, setting off colorful fireworks.
  • Kurrata’s Wrath: Casts on up to 10 friendly Legions in a circle, increasing their damage dealt to Darklings and Dark Creatures by 20% for 10s.
  • Storm Arrows: Immediately teleports Legions to an empty area within range (15) and grants them Rampage, increasing their damage dealt by 12% for 4s.
  • Kingslayer: Immediately deals Physical Skill damage once to a chosen arc of up to 5 enemy Legions (Damage Factor 1800, affected by the Legion’s Physical ATK). Each additional target reduces the damage dealt to each target by 15%. If the targeted Legion has less than 10% of its units remaining, it will be instantly defeated. This effect only applies to other Lords’ Legions.
  • Shadowblades: Immediately deals Physical Skill damage to up to 5 enemy Legions in a chosen rectangle (Damage Factor 1800, affected by the Legion’s Physical ATK). Each additional target reduces the damage dealt to each target by 15%.
  • Phoenix Eye: Immediately deals Magic Skill damage to up to 4 enemy Legions in a chosen circle (Damage Factor 2000, affected by Legion’s Magic ATK). Each additional target reduces the damage dealt to each target by 15%, but the damage dealt will not go below 50%.
  • Potion of Vigor: Casts immediately, increasing Legions’ Engineering by 74% for 1800 seconds.
  • Sorland’s Blade: Immediately deals Physical Skill damage once to up to 2 enemy Legions in a chosen arc (Damage Factor 1600, affected by Legion’s Physical ATK). Each additional target reduces the damage dealt to each target by 25%. At the same time, the Hero’s Legion gains Haste, which increases their March Speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
  • Spirit Bangle is an Artifact that can be activated instantly, and it removes all negative effects such as debuffs and impairments from the player’s own army and friendly armies nearby. It can even dispel control effects while the army is still under their influence.
  • Bounty of Nature: Casts immediately. After a short charge-up, a random Resource Point located in Alliance territory near your Legion is refreshed (minimum level 3, maximum level 5). Charging cannot be interrupted.
  • Tear of Arbon: Casts on up to 8 lightly wounded friendly Legions in a circle, granting a healing effect every 2s for the next 10s (Healing Factor 400).
  • Homecoming Blossom: Casts immediately. After a short charge-up, teleports Legions near your City. Charging can be interrupted by moving, being attacked, or receiving control effects.
  • Spring of Silence is another Artifact that deals Physical Skill damage to a selected arc of up to three enemy Legions, with a Damage Factor of 1600 that is affected by the enemy’s Physical ATK. Each additional target will result in a 15% reduction in damage dealt. Additionally, the Artifact inflicts Slow on the damaged Legions, reducing their March Speed by 20% for 10 seconds.
  • Springbird Feather is a quick-cast Artifact that grants Haste to the player’s own army and up to 10 nearby friendly armies. This increases the player’s army March Speed by 24%, while the friendly armies gain a boost of 16% for a duration of 10 seconds.
  • Heartpiercer: This skill deals Physical Artifact damage to the targeted Legion with a Damage Factor of 1,000. The damage scales with the Physical Attack of your Legion. Additionally, there is a 40% chance of inflicting Physical Defense Break, which reduces the target’s Physical Defense for 3 seconds.
  • Archery Master’s Manual: This skill activates immediately and grants Normal Attack Focus to your Legion. This increases the Critical Rate of your Legion’s normal attacks by 10% for 20 seconds.
  • Magic Bomb: This skill throws a Magic Bomb at the targeted Legion. After a brief delay of 8 seconds, the bomb explodes and deals Magic Skill damage to up to 3 enemy Legions nearby. The Damage Factor of this skill is 900, and it scales with your Magic Attack. The damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target hit.
  • Butcher’s Blade: When activated, this skill deals Physical Skill damage twice to up to 3 enemy Legions in a forward arc. The Damage Factor of each hit is 450 and scales with your Physical Attack. The damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target hit.
  • Rapid Crossbow: This skill deals Physical Skill damage to the targeted Legion two times in a row. The Damage Factor of each hit is 250 and scales with your Physical Attack.
  • Bone Cleaver: This skill deals Physical Skill damage to the targeted Legion with a Damage Factor of 400, which scales with your Physical Attack. When your Legion’s Unit Count is above 50%, the Damage Factor is increased to 600.
  • Ever Ice: This skill is cast on a designated circle and, after a brief charge-up, deals Magic Skill damage to 2 enemy Legions. The Damage Factor of this skill is 300 and scales with your Magic Attack. Additionally, it inflicts Freeze, which reduces the target’s March Speed by 5% for 5 seconds.
  • Veterans Diary: Immediately boosts your Legion’s normal attack damage by 30% for 10 seconds.
  • Lucia’s Horn: Immediately refreshes a random Resource Point in Alliance territory near your Legion (minimum level 4, maximum level 5) after a short charge-up. The charging process can’t be interrupted.
  • Fang of Ashkari: Immediately deals Magic Skill damage every second for 8 seconds to up to 4 Legions in a circle surrounding the caster (Damage Factor 500, scales with Magic ATK). Damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target.
  • Breath of the Forest: When garrisoning a City or Stronghold, every 30 seconds, your Legion randomly gains one of the following effects: Ode (heals once every 2 seconds for 10 seconds, Healing Factor 300), Hymn (grants Vigor, increasing HP by 15% for 10 seconds), or Aria (removes one debuff effect).
  • Bloodblade Banner: Once your Rallied Army enters battle, deals Physical Skill damage once every 30 seconds (Damage Factor 650, scales with Physical ATK), and your Legion gains Physical Keen, increasing their Physical ATK by 5% for 10 seconds.
  • Hearth of Kamasi: Immediately grants Physical Keen and Onslaught to 3 friendly Legions, including the caster, for 10 seconds, increasing their Physical ATK by 15% and normal attack damage dealt by 15%. Only takes effect when a Legion is composed entirely of Marksman units.
  • Staff of the Prophet: After a 15-second charge-up, teleports 2 surrounding friendly Legions (including the target) to a selected friendly Legion within the current Region and within Alliance territory. Teleportation will prioritize your Legions.
  • Centaur Bow: Deals Physical Skill damage to up to 3 enemy Legions in a circle of your choice (Damage Factor 750, scales with Physical ATK). Damage dealt to each target is reduced by 15% for each additional target.
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