Last Day on Earth: Multiplayer and PvP Guide

PvP, apartment, bonds and rent

Did you think that we’d stop at the point of just bringing back your favorite events? No way, we keep on going forward! The long-awaited battles with other players (PvP), as well as lots of other changes related to the crater are making their first appearance.

But let’s start with something more or less peaceful. Now through the crater you can enter your own, yet small, but already cozy apartment

You get access to the apartment and its improvement along with access to the metro, on the first level of the business. From now on you can also check the furniture store via the same metro. Wanna regularly see some new merchandise there? Continue to grow your business in the crater. Oh, apartments of other players can also be visited, by the way

You’ll soon notice that some items for your home can be bought only for certain “bonds”, so what is it and how to get these? Another resident has appeared in the crater, the Warehouse manager; he will offer you another innovation, new storage rent system

Storages can now be rented from real players, you will receive a place to keep your resources, and the player from whom you rent the storage will receive those very bonds. You require business level 40 at least, in order to rent out your storage for others with help of the Warehouse manager.

How can you get bonds faster, you say? Well, they can not only be purchased in the in-game store, but also obtained for some successful PvP. Now, let’s move on to the most important thing, Nat the Fighter is now located next to the campfire in the crater, he will only speak to the survivor whose business level is no less than 15

We’ll narrowly examine the rules of PvP in the next article (we strongly recommend that you read it before rushing into the first battle), however, in a nutshell:
You find yourself on the map, with a large chest in its center, which does not open immediately, only after a couple of minutes instead. Whoever gets to the chest first will receive its precious contents, including dog tags, which can later be exchanged with Nat in the crater, for bonds as well. Dog tags can also be obtained by killing other players or zombies that are also lurking in the battle zone.

That’s all, by the way, we definitely remember that you’re waiting for new seasons, but this time, as with the Chinese New Year, the new update is also not a new season. So yeah, there will be no Premium, daily or weekly tasks once again. However, all the contents of the update will further remain in the game, and the new season will definitely appear later 😉

To join other survivors in Sector 7 and together explore locations around crater, you have to reach level 30 and complete a special quest.

PvP: Rules and Overview

In order to talk to Nat the Fighter in the Crater and thus gain access to PvP, you first need to develop your own business at least to level 15. Next, you’ll see that you can enter the battle only at certain time intervals. If the countdown is over, then there is still one obstacle left, the character’s “Gear Score” parameter should be at least 120. Let us remind you that “Gear Score” is determined by the strength of your equipment and weapons, you can see the current value in the character’s inventory.

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So, you find yourself on the map, with a large chest in its center, which does not open immediately, only after a couple of minutes instead. Whoever gets to the chest first will receive its precious contents, including dog tags, which can later be exchanged with Nat in the crater, for bonds as well. Dog tags can also be obtained by killing other players or zombies that are also lurking in the battle zone. And please, beware of radiation! Bushes also grow throughout the whole zone, in which you can hide from another player, unless he is in the same very bushes as you.

Let’s talk about some important details, starting with the fact that the matchmaking is always random. That is, even if you and all your clanmates enter the map at the same time, you can either end up on different maps, or, if you’re lucky, be with one of your friends, but also with complete strangers. At the moment, up to 4 players can fight on one map.

If no other player has joined the map except you, then do not rush to celebrate an easy victory and lose your guard. Even if no one is hiding in the bushes, then there are still zombies on the map, if you were killed on a map on which not a single player was originally picked up, then you will not be able to return to the same location to your corpse. You will also not be able to return if you left the zone yourself.

If other players initially appeared on the same map with you, then the rules are slightly less strict. If you leave the location, then you still will not be able to return, but if your character is killed, then, within a few minutes, you can still revisit the zone. Unless, of course, the loot from body was taken by another player, in this case the corpse disappears. A few minutes after your death, however, the corpse will disappear anyway.

Do not forget about the limit (120) in the “Gear Score” parameter, if your character was killed in a zone where other players were, and you are trying to return there, then you’ll still need to be well equipped. If you can’t return to the map itself, and you find yourself on a new map with a new chest, then, well, either there were no other players with you on the previous map initially, or too much time has passed since death. If the map is the same, but there is no corpse – we’ve already mentioned it a little earlier. Therefore, we recommend that you be especially careful, as you can see, it is easier to lose resources here forever than anywhere else in the game.

And if you don’t want to return to the same map on purpose, then in Nat’s menu there will be a “Leave battle” button, by pressing it, you will permanently leave the previous battlefield.

I can’t go back to the map where my character was killed by other players in PvP!

Do not forget about the limit (120) in the “Gear Score” parameter, if your character was killed in a zone where other players were, and you are trying to return there, then you’ll still need to be well equipped. Let us remind you that “Gear Score” is determined by the strength of your equipment and weapons, you can see the current value in the character’s inventory.

How do I start PvP with my clanmates only?

The matchmaking is always random. That is, even if you and all your clanmates enter the map at the same time, you can either end up on different maps, or, if you’re lucky, be with one of your friends, but also with complete strangers.

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Clan roles

You’ve probably noticed that clan members have different roles, so what privileges do you have in the clan (which others do not, haha)?

The Clan Leader is capable of doing literally everything, he can invite and add new participants to the clan, exclude from it, change the roles of any clan members, arrange a sale in the crater, has access to the clan storage. Psst, dude, just don’t go on vacation without taking a phone with you to the tropical islands. When you return, you will most likely find that there is no one left in the clan, and that your precious clan storage was stolen by former colleagues. No, that’s not a “bug”, you left these people, you rascal 🙁

The Right Hand can do almost anything and has all the privileges, except for the appointment of the Clan Leader and the Right Hand.

Officer has access to the clan storage, he can raise the rank of another clan participant from “Recruit” to “Member”, exclude from the clan. As well as constantly laughing at the “Members” and “Recruits” without any consequences…

Members only have access to the clan storage, they do not have the ability to invite to the clan, exclude or else. Well, at least you are no longer one of these… what’d you call them… “Recruits” … Phew!

Recruit – cannot do anything, has no access whatsoever to the clan storage. Yeah, well, they don’t trust you yet. But what are you waiting for? Make friends with the least nasty officer! Or be grateful that at least you don’t have to pay rent 😉

I want to play with other survivors, what should I do?

To join other survivors in Sector 7 and together explore locations around crater, you have to reach level 30 and complete a special quest.

How do I bring items out of Sector 7?

The high level of radiation in Sector 7 causes the virus to constantly mutate. In order to prevent the spread of a new virus, it is strictly prohibited to take any objects outside the walls. All personal items, including clothing, should be left at the checkpoint when entering Sector 7. Such isolation methods are required to prevent further mutation of the virus in the high radiation zone.

How do I invite people to my group?

Before gathering any group, at least one of you, future travelers, first needs to develop his business in the crater. Then you’ll be able (by tapping chopper) to choose one of the locations and invite your comrades there. First, select a zone, then (from the section “Friends” or section “Clan”), then simply select the companions you need.

My body is missing in Sector 7

Inhabitants of Sector 7 are always glad to scavenge fresh meat, so don’t count on finding your stuff where your character was last killed. Your body might stay for a minute or so, but the durability of your belongings will be lower than what you remembered.

My survivor died, though he was alive when I closed the game last time

Rules of multiplayer are different, so if you decided to abandon your survivor in the middle of the fight, it is possible that your character took a few hits and died.


A new class of healing items will help you survive in this harsh world. They require some time to use, but your health will be restored instantly. Be careful when using antibiotics, usage of more than two injections in a row causes an overdose. The overdose doesn’t bode well for anyone. It’s quite hard to keep struggling for survival being in such a condition. Imagine how “fun” it is to survive when you’re sick, hardly able to move, use workbenches, construct, with your health-restoring extremely slowly. Sounds no good, huh? Too right. So remember, only TWO injections in a row.

How do I join a clan?

To find a clan to join, you have to reach level 30 first. Clans can be open, invite only (requiring an invitation to join), request (requiring a request to be sent). Type the name of the clan your are willing to join or choose one of those available in the list. Please note, that a player can send only one request to a certain clan. A new request sent to the same clan will cancel the previous one. After leaving a clan you’ll have a 24-hour cooldown before joining a new one.

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How do I leave a clan?

Open the “Clan” menu (next to the Settings button in the upper right corner of the screen) and choose the “Members” tab, tap the button “Leave clan” to the right from your nickname. Please also note that you cannot delete or rename a clan.

How do I contact my friends?

To be able to chat with other survivors, you’ll have to complete a quest for getting a second character that will appear after level 30.
After getting access to multiplayer, to add a friend you are going to need his nickname only.
Your nickname is unique and consists of two parts. The first one is the name chosen by yourself, while the second one is a 4-digit tag that will be given to you by the game. Your friend and you can choose one and the same name, but your tags will differ. The limit is 12 characters, you will be able to change the nickname once in 30 days.

My radio tower is missing

We’ve changed the way survivors get access to the multiplayer, that is why you won’t find the radio tower now. Resources were partly returned, so make sure to check your inbox for spare parts.


There are two ways how you can find yourself in Slums: missing the rent payment or leaving your clan (either voluntarily or not). In this location you won’t be able to find a company and go searching for a boss, cannot use any workbenches or join a clan, but you always have a chance to earn your way out. Look for the Recruiter to get your opportunity.

Clan location

If deportation to the slums doesn’t sound like fun, but running errands for anybody is not in your to-do list for the week, make your own commune at the base of your clan. Then you won’t have to worry about the rent, and all the necessary workbenches will be at hand when you need them.

Distribution Center

Once you come to Sector 7, you are placed into the Distribution Center. There you’ll get access to several kinds of workbenches, personal inventory, mailbox and you will also be able to embark on dangerous journeys in the company of other survivors.
Don’t forget to pay rent in time, unless you want to be move out of the cosy wall of the Distribution Center into the less comfortable environment of the Slums.

City in crater

An entire city was discovered in Sector 7. Now you can learn how the society of the zombie apocalypse works. All newcomers first get to the Distribution Center. In exchange for a little service, they can get accommodation, access to the workshop, personal storage and good company. Unreliable community members are sent to the slums, but there’s always a chance to come back.
The best option is to unite. There’s no other place as friendly as your clan’s base. Your base – your rules.

To leave the crater, go to the global map and press the button with faces depicted on it at the lower right-hand corner:


If you are seeing the “Rental agreement expires in …” line, it means that you have few days (or even hours) left to complete the requests of the Administrator of the Distribution Center. Get on with it as soon as possible, because it’s unlikely that you will like it in the Slums.

Gear Score / GS

Your equipment in Sector 7 now has its own numerical designation (the “GS” parameter next to the slots with clothes in the character’s inventory). We hope that this will help you choose more powerful and balanced items, as well as making it easier to assemble a team for battle with serious opponents.
You can see the overall average value between all the slots with clothes and the character’s weapon slot. All empty slots in this case will be equal to 0 GS. For example, if your character is equipped with a 500 GS-powered crossbow, but all slots with clothes are empty, then the total Gear Score will result in only 100 GS (500/5 = 100).

How to get bonds?

Another resident has appeared in the crater, the Warehouse manager; he will offer you another innovation, new storage rent system.

Storages can now be rented from real players, you will receive a place to keep your resources, and the player from whom you rent the storage will receive those very bonds. You require business level 40 at least, in order to rent out your storage for others with help of the Warehouse manager. How can you get bonds faster, you say? Well, they can not only be purchased in the in-game store, but also obtained for some successful PvP.

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