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How to opt out of derby in Hay Day?

The Neighborhood Derby in Hay Day is a competitive event where players in a neighborhood complete tasks to earn rewards and leaderboard rankings. While participating in the derby can be fun and rewarding, some players may wish to opt out for various reasons, such as focusing on farming, avoiding task pressure, or taking a break. This guide provides a detailed explanation of how to opt out of the derby, its benefits, and key considerations.

What Happens When You Opt Out of the Derby?

Opting out of the derby means that:

  • You won’t be assigned derby tasks and won’t contribute points to your neighborhood’s overall score.
  • You won’t receive derby rewards for that specific event.
  • You can still chat and interact with your neighborhood without derby participation.
  • Your neighborhood’s leaderboard ranking won’t be affected by your inactivity.

How to Opt Out of the Derby

1. Access the Derby Board

  • Tap on the Neighborhood House on your farm (the small blue house with a signpost).
  • Select the Derby tab to view current or upcoming derby events.

2. Open the Settings Menu

  • In the Derby tab, look for the opt-out checkbox in the lower part of the screen.

3. Uncheck the Participation Box

  • If you don’t want to participate in the next derby, uncheck the “Participate in Next Derby” box.
  • This must be done before the new derby begins (Monday at 8:00 AM UTC).

4. Confirm Your Decision

  • Once unchecked, you won’t be assigned any tasks when the next derby starts.
  • You can rejoin future derbies by checking the box again before the next derby begins.

Why Opt Out of the Derby?

Players may choose to opt out for several reasons:

1. Avoiding Task Pressure

  • Derby tasks can be time-consuming and require dedication.
  • Opting out allows players to farm at their own pace.

2. Preventing Negative Impact on the Neighborhood

  • If you can’t complete tasks, it may affect your neighborhood’s score.
  • Opting out ensures other active members aren’t relying on your participation.

3. Taking a Break from the Game

  • If you’re planning to be inactive, opting out avoids unnecessary penalties.

4. Prioritizing Other Activities

  • Some events (Valley, special farm events, etc.) may be more important to focus on.
  • Players can choose when they want to participate in derbies without commitment.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • You must opt out before the new derby starts – Once it begins, you are locked in.
  • You can still rejoin future derbies by rechecking the participation box before the next event.
  • Neighborhood leaders and co-leaders should remind inactive members to opt out if they don’t plan to participate.
  • Opting out does not remove you from the neighborhood – You can still interact with neighbors and trade items.


Opting out of the Neighborhood Derby in Hay Day is a simple yet effective way to manage your gameplay experience. Whether you need a break, want to avoid task pressure, or focus on other farm activities, following the steps above ensures you don’t get assigned derby tasks. Always decide before the derby starts to avoid being locked in, and remember, you can always rejoin future derbies when you’re ready!

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