Frontier Justice: Governor & the Capitol Building

Capitol Building

The Capitol Building is located in the center of the state map. The coordinates are (380,380). The Posse that wins the Battle for the Governorship and occupies the Capitol Building has the right to elect the new State Governor.

Capitol Building Status

Preparation Status

During the early stage of your State’s development, the Capitol Building will go into preparation status. During this period, no one can contest for the governorship. The Capitol Building will show a countdown time to when the Battle for the Governorship begins. The Battle for the Governorship will start the moment the countdown ends.

Battle Status

The Battle for the Governorship will begin at a fixed time, once a week. It will last for 5 hours, starting at 16:00 on Saturday (server time) and ending at 21:00.

Any Boss in a Posse may launch an attack on the Capitol Building when it exits Protection Status and enters Battle Status. If a Posse can hold the Building for the designated time, they win the right to possess the Capitol Building, and it will enter Protection Status. The timer will be reset when one Posse attacks and defeats another Posse on the Building, taking it from them.

Protection Status

When the Capitol Building and all the Mortar Batteries are in Protection Status, they cannot be attacked. When the Protection Status ends, they will enter Battle Status, and are open to attack.

Mortar Batteries

There are 4 Mortar Batteries around the Capitol Building. In the Battle for the Governorship, if there are 2 Posses, with one occupying the Capitol Building, and the other the Mortar Batteries, the Mortars will begin an attack on the Building and its guards.

Dairy Farm

There will be four new Dairy Farms at the four corners of the badlands, (405,354) (405,405) (354,405) (354,354). Each Dairy Farm takes up a 2*2 block.

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Occupying the Dairy Farm will earn you Battle Points


The Badlands refer to the vast land surrounding the Capitol Building. It is extremely difficult to march through this area. Your marching speed will be slowed down, and you won’t be able to station your soldiers there.

Battle for the Governorship

When the Capitol Building enters war status, all Bosses can dispatch troops to attack and occupy the Capitol Building and the Mortar Batteries.

When the dispatched troops reach the Capitol Building or the Mortar Batteries, if the occupier is your ally, you can reinforce troops to protect the Capitol Building and the Mortar Batteries. If the occupier belongs to another Posse, a skirmish will commence.

The number of troops that can be stationed in the Capitol Building and the Mortar Batteries is determined by the occupier’s troop size and the level of their Post Office.

If there are 2 Posses, with one occupying the Capitol Building, and the other the Mortar Batteries, the Mortars will begin an attack on the Capitol Building, with its guards suffering major damage.

How to Win

There are 2 stages to the Battle for the Governorship, with different requirements to win each.

Stage 1: 16:00 – 19:00

In this stage, any Posse that manages to hold the Capitol Building for 60 minutes uninterrupted will seize the Governorship, ending the battle. Other Posses will receive rewards corresponding to the points they earned during the battle.

Stage 2: 19:00 – 21:00

In this stage, any Posse that manages to hold the Capitol Building for 30 minutes uninterrupted will seize the Governorship, ending the battle. Other Posses will receive rewards corresponding to the points they earned during the battle.

Note: If your Posse is already occupying the Capitol Building when Stage 2 begins, then the remaining time you need to occupy it for may change. If the remaining time is more than 60 minutes, then it will be reduced to 30 minutes, otherwise it will remain the same. For example, if you start occupying the Capitol Building at 20:40, then when Stage 2 begins, you’ll only need to hold the Capitol Building for another 30 minutes instead of 70 (90 – 20).

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If, after the end of the Battle for the Governorship, no Posse has been able to hold the Capitol Building for the required time, the Posse that earned the most points will claim the Governorship. The Posses ranking from 2nd to 8th in points will then receive 30 Battle Packs that correspond to their ranking. Battle Packs have 7 levels, with higher levels holding better rewards than the lower ones. Battle Packs are distributed by Posse leaders.

If more than one Posse has the same number of points, then they will be ranked according to the order in which they reached that number, from first to last.

Point System

A) Kill enemies in the Capitol Building, Mortar Batteries, and Dairy Farms to earn corresponding points.

B) Holding the Capitol Building, Mortar Batteries, and Dairy Farms will all earn you points, with the Capitol Building earning the most. All points are calculated by the minute.

C) The Point Rankings only show the top 10 Posses.

Electing the Governor

During the first 7 hours of protection status, the Leader of the Posse that successfully occupied the Capitol Building can appoint any Posse member as Governor. If no one is appointed as the new Governor within those 7 hours, then the Posse Leader will become the Governor automatically.

If the Posse Leader doesn’t appoint a Governor, and the previous Governor is also a member of this Posse, then the old Governor will keep their position.

Governor’s Benefits

1. Bonus Attributes:

Troop Attack +15%

Troop Defense +15%

Soldier Number Limit +10%

2. Appointment

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The Governor can appoint any player in the State as the Deputy Governor, Mayor, Grand Justice, Finance Minister, Sheriff, Security Guard, Scholar, Craftsman, Snake Oil Salesman, Profiteer, Clown, City Slicker, Swindler, Horse Thief, Criminal or Fool.

3. Selecting Resources

The Governor can increase the distribution of one resource in the State for a period of time.

4. Selecting the State Flag

The Governor can select the State flag, which will be shown on the world map, and wave high in the Capitol Building.

5. Selecting the Appearance of the Capitol Building

The Governor can select a Capitol Building appearance to be shown in the middle of the State and on the world map.

6. Governor’s Packs

During the term, the Governor can award 5 Conqueror Packs, 10 Defender Packs and 20 Supporter Packs. One player can receive no more than one pack from the Governor during the term. (Players below Lv.10 won’t receive Iron and Brass rewards, and players below Lv.15 won’t receive Brass rewards.)


Deputy Governor

  • Resource Gains +25%
  • Resource Protection +30%


  • Building Speed +5%
  • Research Speed +5%
  • Training Speed +5%

Grand Justice

  • Resource Gains +10%
  • Training Speed +5%

Finance Minister

  • Food Consumption -10%
  • Resource Gains +15%


  • Troop Attack +5%
  • Marching Speed +10%

Security Guard

  • Troop Attack +5%
  • Troop Defense +5%


  • Research Speed +l0%


  • Building Speed +10%

Snake Oil Salesman

  • Troop Attack -10%
  • Resource Gains -5%


  • Resource Gains -5%
  • Food Consumption +10%


  • Marching Speed -5%
  • Training Speed -10%

City Slicker

  • Troop Defense -5%
  • Resource Gains -10%


  • Troop Attack -8%
  • Troop Defense -8%

Horse Thief

  • Resource Protection -20%


  • Marching Speed -15%


  • Research Speed -15%

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