Family Farm Seaside: Tree Nursery

Create more space on your farm by storing trees in the Tree Nursery!  You can use it to store your trees and to tend to them so that they will keep producing fruits. The Tree Nursery will be unlocked at level 35 and is available for purchase on the Seaside Farm Store under the Building tab.

How to add a tree to the Tree Nursery

1. Tap on the Tree Nursery. Now tap on the green ‘+’ icon inside of a room.

2. Tap on the tree you want to place in the Tree Nursery. You can now tap on the blue arrow icon to add the tree to the Tree Nursery.

How to take care of your trees

Trees will grow automatically in the Tree Nursery. If you want, you can use Watering Cans or Super Watering Cans to make them grow instantly.

Tree Nursery skins

Tap the colorful brush to check tree nursery skins. After purchasing a skin, it will be permanently available and will give benefits to your trees.

How to add more rooms

Tap on the ‘Upgrade’ button to add more rooms to the Tree Nursery.

How to move trees inside the Tree Nursery

Tap on a tree inside the Tree Nursery, and two blue icons will appear.

The blue icon with a box and an arrow will allow you to move the tree out of the Tree Nursery and back onto your farm.

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The blue icon with 2 arrows will allow you to move the tree between rooms inside the Tree Nursery.

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