Suspects: Mystery Mansion – How to play Suspects?

Suspects is a game of survival, where you are designated either as a Guest or as a Killer. If you are designated a Guest your task is to find the Killer(s) and vote them off. If you are designated as a Killer, your task is to kill all of the Guests and prevent them from completing their assigned tasks to win.

Guest Goals

  • Complete tasks – arrows point to the closest quest;
  • Prevent sabotages – Killers will try to blow up the mansion;
  • Report bodies and call for emergency meetings – Discuss and vote who you think the Killer(s) is (are);
  • Find the Killer(s) before they kill you!

Killer Goals

  • Kill other players – be careful not to be caught in the act;
  • Sabotage the mansion – manipulate Guests to specific locations, limit their vision, or even blow up the whole mansion;
  • Pretend – Make Guests suspicious of other Guests and co-operate with the other Killer if there is one.

How many people can play Suspects in one match?

At a time you can create a party of as little as 4 people, up to 10 people.

READ:  Suspects: Mystery Mansion - How can I Sabotage?

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