Kill Shot Bravo: All about Perks

Perks in Kill Shot Bravo are bonus effects that can be applied to your character in the gear screen. The effects of perks can be quite varied, from extra armor to being rewarded with bonus bucks for achieving head shots!

When you purchase perks in bulk, you’ll undoubtedly get multiples of the same perk. When looking at your Perks Summary after buying in bulk, the Perks Received line refers to how many types of perks you received. So if you bought 3 perks, and got 3 copies of the same perk, the Perks Received would show 1 perk, as you earned one type of perk.

Additional perk slots can be earned by increasing your gear rating. Buying more gear will increase your gear rating.

How do I get perks?

Perks can be purchased with medals from the gear screen by tapping on any of the perk slots and then tapping on one of the purchase buttons that appears.

If you purchase a perk box and get a perk you already have, you will get progress towards leveling up that perk and making it more powerful. It is important to note that not every extra perk you collect will equal 1 level up.

Please note that during events, we also offer Special Perk boxes. These are purchased with gold and award you limited-time perks that count down once equipped and give you bonuses during the event. If you don’t activate these during an event, they’ll remain in your inventory until the next event.

How do I level up my Perks?

When you get purchase a perk box and receive a perk that you already own, you will get experience towards a level up for that perk. Leveling up a perk can improve the perks effect or its chance of activating in a mission.

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2.9 Perk Ranks

With the release of Kill Shot Bravo version 2.9, we’ve made some exhilarating changes to our Perks!

Nearly every Perk has received an upgrade in the form of new, increased Perk Ranks. Every Perk, save for Recon and Sleight of Hand, can now gain an additional 10 Ranks higher. Perks that have achieved a high Rank will have a unique Rank banner displayed as well!

Some Perks now feature secondary effects once they reach a certain Rank level. This allows you to use extra powerful effects from the Perks you equip.

If you’ve been saving up your Medals, you can level up your Perks to higher Ranks by purchasing Perk Boxes! This also means you may earn Perks again from specific Crates if your Perks were previously at max Rank, as the max Rank cap has changed!

What Perks are available?

Armor: The armor perk reduces the damage taken from enemies. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Camouflage: The camouflage perk delays how quickly enemies become alerted. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Close Call: The close call perk provides a chance that enemy snipers will miss you. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Hand to Hand: The hand to hand perk increases the slow of time in close quarters sequences. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Bleed Out: The bleed out perk provides a chance that an enemy will slowly bleed to death when wounded. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Explosive Corpse: The explosive corpse perk provides a chance that an enemy will explode when killed damaging nearby enemies. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

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Shrapnel: The shrapnel perk provides a chance that shooting an enemy will cause nearby enemies to slowly bleed to death. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Magic Bullet: The magic bullet perk provides a chance that shooting an enemy will cause the bullet to change direction and hit a second enemy. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Cryo Bullet: The cryo bullet perk is an exclusive event reward perk that provides a chance that shooting an enemy will cause them to freeze, explode, and deal damage to nearby enemies. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Thunder Clap: The thunder clap perk provides a chance that shooting an enemy will cause nearby enemies to get knocked down. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Recon: The recon perk provides a chance to instantly tag enemies. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Sleight of Hand: The sleight of hand perk provides a chance to instantly reload your weapon. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP.

Head Hunter: The head hunter perk provides a chance to earn bucks for each head shot kill. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP and events.

Demolisher: The demolisher perk provides a chance to earn bucks for each multi-kill. When equipped, it is active in all modes except PvP and events.

Brain Damage: The brain damage perk provides a chance to earn additional points per head shot in Assault mission.

Unflappable: The unflappable perk provides a chance to earn additional points for accuracy streaks in Assault missions.

Rampage: The rampage perk provides a chance to earn more points for kill streaks in Assault missions.

Eagle Eye: The eagle eye perk provides a chance to earn more points for long distance kills in Assault missions.

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Blast Radius: The blast radius perk provides a chance to earn more points for multi-kills in Assault missions.

High Roller: The high roller perk provide a chance to earn more points for V.I.P kills in Assault missions.

Shoot to Kill: The shoot to kill perk provides a chance to earn additional points per Headshot in PvP matches.

Top Shot: The top shot perk earns you more points per win in PvP matches.

In Your Sights: Provides more magnification when you zoom in during PvP matches.

Shield Nova: The shield nova perk provides a chance to protect you from damage once your health reaches 50% or lower. At that point, the shield nova perk will absorb a certain amount of damage and explode or be active for 5 seconds and then explode. It can also explode if you come under attack from a melee enemy. The explosion will do damage to enemies within your blast radius.

Chain Lightning: The chain lightning perk has a chance to chain lightning from the original target onto other enemies.

In The Zone: The In The Zone perk offers the chance to go into a slow-mo state after performing a headshot on an enemy.

War Booster: The War Booster perk allows you to do additional damage to Alliance Wars targets.

Bounty Hunter: The Bounty Hunter perk allows you to do additional damage to Bounty targets.

Kill Coin Booster: The Kill Coin Booster perk allows you gain additional Kill Coins during Global Ops missions.

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