Z Day: General Guide

Tips & tricks to master the game, one of the best strategy games ever. Statutory warning once step in it’s a very addictive game.

This guide is a simple start for beginners to know their way around. This game has many many more features and excitements locked in , so make sure you spend your time in understanding the features and explore a lot .All the best commander explore, learn & strategies’ and enjoy this wonderful game.

Z Day – Heart of Heros is an awesome strategy game which is very addictive and has many minute features for the gamers. You would need lot’s of patience & understanding to read the various elements of the games which makes the game interesting. The more time you spend in understanding these elements and mastering them will help you advance to higher levels. In this guide you can get some basic ideas on the parameters and elements that you need to engineer which would help your game progress.

Take time in understanding the features ( there is so much to learn and progress which is one of the unique user experience we will enjoy ) with this guide.


You can access your profile details by clicking on the left top corner of the game area. This will give you information on your unique game id (Commander name), Your alliance group name, region your base is on and your region group.

Experience Points

The experience bar shows the points you are at against the points needed to move to next commander level. Higher commander level is required to access certain features of the game.

Tips: You earn your commander experience points in the following actions, building structures, gathering resources, researching abilities, hunting infected invaders (which will also give you bonus materials), training troops, attacking bases etc.

Stamina Points

This bar shows the points you against the stamina we have which is required by our troops to march against hunting infected invaders ( which will give you bonus materials on successful slain),The stamina points gets reduced each time you march your troops and gets regenerated over the time.

Tips: Use the stamina march effectively as you can get bonus materials & valuable commander experience points during each raid, you can decrease the time for your stamina regeneration in Research centre.

Skill Points

A very unique points system that will help you in many areas when effectively used. As and when your commander promoted in his ranking level he will also receive skill points , ensure you don’t leave these points idle assign them to abilities you want which will give boost to the system.

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Tips: On clicking the skill points button it will take you to options available for you to assign the points , take time in understanding the options available and then assign. Don’t be in a hurry take time to go through the options available and then assign as once assigned the structure opens options for next assigning in sequence also resetting once assigned points will cost you.


As in any strategy games you have many resource types that are required for training your troops, upgrading buildings, your research and so on.

Oil Well

Upon construction of Oil well you will start receiving constant supply of this resource that is required for training your troops, upgrading buildings, your research and so on. The rate of resource production increases with the level of the buildings rank, hence ensure all buildings are upgraded to next level frequently.We can also gather resources by harvesting from depots in region outside your base.

Food Factory

Upon construction of Food Factory you will start receiving constant supply of this resource that is required for training your troops, upgrading buildings, your research and so on. The rate of resource production increases with the level of the buildings rank, hence ensure all buildings are upgraded to next level frequently. We can also gather resources by harvesting from depots in region outside your base.

Iron Works

Upon construction of Iron Works you will start receiving constant supply of this resource that is required for training your troops, upgrading buildings, your research and so on. The rate of resource production increases with the level of the buildings rank, hence ensure all buildings are upgraded to next level frequently. We can also gather resources by harvesting from depots in region outside your base.

Alloy plant

Upon construction of Alloy plant you will start receiving constant supply of this resource that is required for training your troops, upgrading buildings, your research and so on. The rate of resource production increases with the level of the buildings rank, hence ensure all buildings are upgraded to next level frequently. We can also gather resources by harvesting from depots in region outside your base.

Gathering resource outside your base

We can also gather resources by harvesting from depots in region outside your base. On clicking the region button it will take you outside your base.

Once you are out of the base you can click the depots ( Food, Oil, Iron ) and assign your troop to harvest these resources. Apart from the benefit of adding resources to your account this action will also add up to your Commander experience points.

Hunting infected invaders

Once you are out of the base you can also rally your troops to march against hunting infected invaders ( which will give you bonus materials on successful slain),The stamina points gets reduced each time you march your troops and gets regenerated over the time. Ensure you have a strong troop that is required when you attack various levels of threats.

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Other important Structures


You need this structure to train your infantry troops. Higher the level of barracks allows to train more troops in a higher speed.


this structure helps you to heal your infantry troops returning from battle and other attacks. Higher the level of hospital higher is your occupancy allowed and faster healing time for the troops.

Vehicle plant

This structure allows you to train vehicle troops.Higher the level of Vehicle plant lets you unlocks the troop category at various stage. So keep them upgrading to unlock newer units.

Drill Ground

This structure allows you to train ground troops.Higher the level of Drill ground lets you unlocks the troop category at various stage. So keep them upgrading to unlock newer units.

Shooting Range

This structure allows you to train troops with distance shooting. Higher the level of Shooting ground lets you unlocks the troop category at various stage. So keep them upgrading to unlock newer units.

Trap Factory

This structure allows you to manufacture defence structures for your base. Higher the level of Trap Factory lets you unlocks the defence weapon category at various stage. So keep them upgrading to unlock newer units.

Battery Workshop

This structure allows you to train artillery troops for your base.Higher the level of Battery Workshop lets you unlocks the troop category at various stage. So keep them upgrading to unlock newer units.


This structure provides options of Auction house & Black Market, where in we can procure materials of rare nature ( Engine parts, Experience points coupon, metals etc)

Sentry Tower

This structure provides warning alerts on enemy scouts & attacks on your base.


This is a critical defence structure that protects your base from invaders. Hence keep it upgrading to next levels along with research of wall defences in your research centre.

Equipment Workshop

Upon receiving manufacturing designs ( during raid, hunting and bonus task ) you can synthesis them in to manufactural items ( such as rifle, cap, medal, vest, gun etc ) each of which will give you bonus attributes ( March speed, attack, gathering etc )

Communication Post

This structure gives access to your alliance in your region for information on War, Donations, help request etc.

Command Centre

This structure allows you to rally against enemies with your allies.

Ration Centre

One of the bonus structure which gives you free coupons every day (quantity varies with respect to level of your building upgrade level) that can be exchanged for the resource of your choice. Make sure you visit every day to collect your coupon and use them on the same day as they expire at end of day and can’t be carried for later.

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helps you to store and safeguard your resources from enemy raid. Higher the level of your warehouse building level larger the storage capacity

War Hero Hall

allows you to recruit generals and war heroes ( Apprentice ,Advanced & Master ) for your base ( refreshes with time intervals). Ensure you visit your recruitment office function every day to get free recruits for your team. You can then assign them in various postings (such as Military advisor, Logistics chief, Diplomat etc) which will give you boost capabilities ( Health, defence , gathering etc).

Research centre

One of the key structures that help you researches various sections to improve your resources, strength and units powers.

Do not keep this building idle keep researching to keep progressing.


Gold is one of the rarest commodities; the unique feature of this game is you can achieve resources and points in more than one way. Now you can deposit the gold you have earned in this structure for different durations and earn interest for the same.

Super Soldier lab

This structure helps you to assign change settings for your super soldier. Similar to your commander skill points your super soldier would receive skill points on in level upgrade. Ensure you assign the same to his skill sets for more benefits.

Event Centre

One of the prime attractive feature of this game is the event centre , apart from being a great strategy game features like this glues players to the game.

There would be some new event based activity happening in the game keeping the player’s engaged apart from the regular play. Do visit this often and learn and keep exploring.

Head Quarters

The main building that stands ground support for all other building. Keep upgrading your headquarters to unlock features for all other buildings.


Your superior military structure of your destroyer. Enhance and upgrade your destroyer abilities here to always have your destroyers power and capabilities.

Supply centre

Get free rewards ( Resources, coupons etc) at regular time intervals.

The Bar

Again a great place for loads of freebies.

You will receive credits on various parameters ( Such as helping your allies, training troops, research, upgrading buildings etc) on each levels of credits your will receive gifts of assorted items. But you must get into the building each time to check and open the box to get the items. Unclaimed items disappear on every days reset, so make your you get the box opened before the got reset.

Daily rewards

As an incentive of daily login you can claim a reward in Daily shipment yard. The continuous login into the game the higher the reward value.

This cabin will also throw random rewards frequently for you to collect but will disappear within 30 minutes. Hence make your you check this space frequently for free rewards before they expire.

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