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How to Change State in Whiteout Survival?

In Whiteout Survival, changing your State (server) allows you to move to a different server where you can join friends or start fresh. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your state:

How to Change State in Whiteout Survival

Step 1: Check Eligibility

  • You can only migrate to another state if your City Hall level is below 6.
  • If your City Hall is level 6 or higher, you cannot switch states.

Step 2: Open the World Map

  1. Tap on the Map Icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Zoom out to view the Global Map.

Step 3: Select a New State

  1. Look for an available state (server).
  2. States that are too old or restricted may not allow migration.
  3. Choose a state that is open for newcomers.

Step 4: Teleport to the New State

  1. Once you’ve selected the state, tap on Teleport.
  2. Confirm the migration process.
  3. Your city will be relocated to the new state.

Important Notes:

  • If you join an Alliance, you may need to leave before switching states.
  • Resources, troops, and progress will not reset—only your location changes.
  • If you cannot migrate, your only option is to restart the game on a new server.

Would you like a more detailed guide on starting fresh or optimizing your growth after moving to a new state? 😊

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