Brutal Age: Partner & Adventure Guide

How to unlock Partner system and auto-fight in the adventure?

1.Upgrade the stronghold to level 6 to unlock the Partner system.

2.Finish 1-5 stage to unlock the auto-fight in the adventure

What is Altar?

1. Upgrade Altar to increase the partner capacity

2. Partner Enhance:

Partners can be used in the Altar to provide EXP for the target Partner. A Partner with a higher level and Star level can provide more EXP.

3. Partner Evolution:

Evolving can improve the Star level of a Partner which has reached its max level for each Star level. To evolve a Partner, players need to consume Partners of the same Star level. After evolving, the partner will revert to Lv.1 but will grow even stronger.

4. Partner Awaken:

The Awaken function can activate a Partner’s potential, and it requires the appointed Partners and materials. After awakening, a Partner’s appointed basic stats will increase by a certain percentage, new skills will be unlocked, or some skills will be replaced with a more powerful one of the same level. After awaking the 3rd Star, their appearance will change.

5. Partner Skill Upgrade:

If the same Partner is included in the enhance materials, then the target Partner’s skill level will increase.

What is Adventure Portal?

1. Upgrade Adventure Portal to unlock more stages and increase Portal Energy limit!

2. Every 5 minutes system will recover 1 energy, when the energy reach the limit, recovery will stop. Players can purchase the full energy twice every day.

3. Click on the Adventure Portal to go adventure, consuming energy to enter the battle field. After finishing the battle stage, players will be rewarded randomly including speed ups, war patterns, souls, magic turtle, partners and special event items, etc.

4. Click on the chest in the upper left corner of the battle field to check the ramdom partners rewards and war patterns.

5. There are the first finished rewards for every battle stage, which can be claimed only once.

6. Each difficulty level can be unlocked after finishing the easier mode. Normal – Difficult – Purgatory. The higher the difficulty, the richer the reward.

What is divination platform?

Upgrade Divination Platform to reduce the CD of Free Divination and increase the storage limit of Free Divination.

  1. Magic Turtle: Can summon partners of 1-3 Star
  2. Golden Magic Turtle: Can summon partners of 3-5 Star
  3. Ancient Magic Turtle: Can summon partners of 4-5 Star
  4. Rare Magic Turtle: Can summon partners of 3-5 Star
  5. Legend Magic Turtle: Can summon partners of 5 Star

Partners introduction

1. Partners have three different attributes: Brave (Red), Wise (Blue), and Wild (Green). The mutual restraint relationships between these three attributes are: Wild < Brave < Wise < Wild. A Partner can deal more damage to the restrained enemies while it can deal less damage when it is restrained by enemies.

2. All Partners have two types of skills: Battle Skills and Legion Skills. A few Partners have Leader Skills, which will take effect when leading the patners.

3. Each Partner has a total of 8 stats: HP, ATK, DEF, SPD, CR, CRD, Res, Hit.

4. Partners can equip War Patterns to get power boosted: Head, Right Arm, Body, Left Arm, Right Leg, Right Leg

What are partners stats?

  • HP: The max health points of Partners. Partners will be defeated when the HP becomes 0;
  • ATK: The attack of Partners. In general, Partners with higher ATK can deal higher damage;
  • DEF: The defense of Partners. Partners with higher DEF will receive less damage(Some special skills cause damage ignoring the defense);
  • SPD: When a character’s Action Bar reaches the max progress, the character can take action. The higher Speed can bring faster Action Bar progress recovery. When the battle starts, the partner with the highest Speed can take action first. It is important to take the initiative action before your opponents (Passive skill such as “”Grassland Lord”” will effect the actual speed) ;
  • CR: The chance of dealing a critical attack. Partners with a higher CR can have a higher chance to deal a critical attack, the initial CR is 15% ;
  • CRD: The bonus damage dealt with a critical attack. Partners with higher CRD can deal higher damage with a critical attack, the initial CRD is 50%;
  • Res: The chance to resist the debuffs. Partners with a higher Res can have a less chance to be influenced by debuffs;
  • Hit: The chance to inflict debuffs. Partners with a higher Hit can have a greater chance inflict debuffs on enemies.
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Partners’ skills

Most Partners have two types of skills: Battle Skills and Legion Skills.

1. A few Partners have Leader Skills, which will take effect when leading the partners. Leader skills still take effect after leader died during the fight.

2. All partners have Legion Skills, which boost or reduce the morale of the troops. Morale is a new troops attribute, which will influence troop’s ATK, DEF, and HP. It will only be influenced by Legion Skills. When a battle ends, if a partner survives, then its Legion Skill will take effect.

3.Different Attributes are with different Legion Skills, which only effect specific type of soldiers. Wild (Green) boosts/reduce Warriors’ morale, Brave (Red) boosts/reduce Beastmasters’ morale, and Wisdom (Blue) boosts/reduce Shaman’s morale;

4. Legion skills is fixed by Partner’s initial star, 1 star partner boosts 10 morale, 2 star partner raises 20 morale, and so on. Legion skills morale do not increase with partner’s star evolution (May be affected later by awakening) ;

5. Partners can lead the troops to battle. For the first round of each battle, Partners will fight with enemies’ Partners, and the remaining Partners in the Victory side can use their Legion Skills to increase Morale for allied troops or decrease the Morale of enemy troops. With higher Morale, troops will have higher ATK, DEF and HP. The influence of the Legion Skills on the troops will continue till the end of the battle.

Note: Only when there are related types of soldiers will the morale of survived partners take effect.

Will Crits happen every time with 100% CR?

Crits will be affected by partner attribute, deflection and debuffs. If the attack gets deflected, there will be no crit;

Attacking the partners that restrain itself will get CR decreased and has higher chance to get defected.

Debuff: there is an additional 50% probability of attack deflection after being blinded in the battle;

Some partners have crit resistance, and increase crit resistance: Reduced chance of being crit by 50%.

Partner skills can also make crit, but healing skills will not.

What’s the relationship between hit and skill’s trigger rates

1. Hit will increase the chance to inflict debuffs on enemies, but won’t effect the skill’s trigger rates

2. First, if the attack gets deflected, debuff will not be trigger at all, if the attack does not get deflected, then calculate the skill trigger rates

3. After the skill gets triggered successfully, calculate the hit and resistance on both side (Res-Hit) to see if the enemy can resist this debuff.

If Res-Hit≥15%, then the result is enemy’s resistance chance, such as 50% Res-30% Hit =20%, then enemy has 20% to resist this debuff.

If Res-Hit≤15%, then enemy has at least 15% to resist this debuff.

Can the same buff be effected twice or more?

The same buff can be calculated only once, but will replace the effect rounds

Some debuff can be calculated more than once, such as poison

Does the “ATK” have a bonus for the skill damage?

The final damage depends on the skill description, such as Fierce Beast, whose third skill’s damage is only affected by the HP itself

How to distinguish the same partners?

Press the partner for a little long time in any partner choose interface such as evolution/enhancement interface to distinguish the difference of the skill and stats among the same partners.

Be careful in distinguishing the difference while using Catfish.

What are the maximum levels of different stars partners?

  • 1-Star: 15
  • 2-Star: 20
  • 3-Star: 25
  • 4-Star: 30
  • 5-Star: 35
  • 6-Star: 40

About the partners star?

The initial star for each partner is fixed and the highest initial star is 5 stars. The higher the initial star rating is, the rarer the partner is.

Partners with higher current star have higher maximum level and higher growth. Partners who have reached the current maximum level can improve the star with the evolution function in the Altar.

Partners can be evolved up to 6 stars at most.

Why didn’t level up after enhanced? How to trigger the 1.5x EXP?

Once the partners are enhanced, they will gain certain experience. Only when the target partner’s experiences is full will it be upgraded. Using high-level, high-star partners as materials will gain more experience.

Sometimes enhancing partners will randomly trigger 1.5x EXP in the current enhancement.

How to evolve the max level partner to higher star? What’s the limit of the materials?

Evolving can improve the Star level of a Partner which has reached its max level for each Star level. To evolve a Partner, players need to consume Partners of the same Star level and the same numbers as the star. After evolving, the partner will revert to Lv.1 but will grow even stronger.

e.g: Evolving 3 star partners to 4 stars, players need 3 of the 3-star partners as materials.

Why did my partner’s strength decrease after the evolution?

After evolving, the partner will revert to Lv.1 so the current strength will decease, but will grow even stronger after upgrade the level.

Some partners can not be used as materials, why?

Partners locked and saved in the defense line or march line can’t be consumed in the enhance and evolution interface, and you need to remove them from related pages.

Partners with small numbers, it means you saved them in the march line, you need to change the save status in the march preparation interface.

Partners with shield icon means you saved them in the defense line, you need to remove them by clicking your stronghold.

Partners with locks means you need to click in partner inventory to unlock them. (Kindly suggest to lock all the rare partners in case of mistaken consumption)

How to upgrade the skill level?

Players can upgrade a partner’s skill by using the same name partners as materials while enhancing, evolving or awakening, and then the target partner’s skills will be randomly leveled up.

Consuming one same name partner or Catfish [Skill], the target partner’s skill will be upgrade for 1 level randomly

Such as using two Blonde Beauty or Catfish [Skill] as the materials to enhance a Blonde Beauty, then one of her skills will be upgraded for 2 levels or both of her skills will be upgraded for 1 level.

Why are the partners of adventure boss more powerful than my 6-star partners?

The power of adventure boss are independent, which is different from the player’s own partner. Even if it is the same level and star as the adventure, the strength will be different.

War Patterns introduction

War Pattern Stats:

Partners can equip War Patterns to get power boosted. War Patterns have 1-6 Star levels. Higher level means better basic attribute stats and higher attribute stats after being enhanced as well. War Pattern has five rarities: Common, Magic, Rare, Ancient, and Legendary. Rarer War Patterns have more attributes affixes.

War Pattern Enhance:

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Enhance War Patterns to improve attributes, and the max level is Lv.15. If the enhance fails, the War Pattern won’t disappear. When a War Pattern is enhanced to Lv.3, Lv.6, Lv.9, and Lv.12, you will enjoy the additional attribute bonus. When it has been enhanced to Lv.15, the main attribute will be greatly boosted.

War Pattern Set:

When a partner equips two or four War Patterns of the same type, the War Pattern Set effect will be activated. The War Pattern Set effect can be stacked.

Remove War Pattern:

It requires Soul to remove War Patterns. War Patterns of higher enhance level requires more Soul.

Partners Attributes effect

Partners have three different attributes: Brave, Wise, and Wild. Their mutual restraint relationships between these three attributes are: Wild < Brave < Wise< Wild. In battles, Green Arrow means restrain, Yellow Arrow means partners of the same attribute, and Red Arrow means restrained.

Attack Type:

1. Deflection: Deflections may occur in attacks. It will reduce the damage by 30% for this attack and cannot inflict debuff on enemy. Deflection rate will be influenced by hero attributes and debuffs.

2. CR: It has a basic 15% chance to deal CR in attacks, which will increase the damage of current attack by 50%. CR Rate is influenced by Skill, War Patterns and partner attributes.

3. Bash: It has a chance to deal Bash in attacking restrained targets. Increases the damage by 30% for current attack.

Buff / Debuff Introduction

  • ATK Enhance: Increase ATK by 50%
  • DEF Enhance: Increase DEF by 70%
  • Speed Enhance: Increase Speed by 30%
  • CR Rate Enhance: Increase CR Rate by 30%
  • CR Res Enhance: Reduce the chance of suffering CR by 50%
  • Enduring Healing: Recover 15% of max HP in each round
  • Add Counter Blessing: It can fight back with 75% ATK after being attacked
  • Immunity: Immune to any debuff (it won’t dispel the debuffs which are taking effect)
  • Invincibility: In this status, you won’t suffer any damage
  • Damage Reflect: Reflect 30% of received damage
  • Add Shield: Add a shield which can absorb a certain amount of damage
  • Unyielding: Unyielding will! HP just won’t be lower than 1 when being attacked.
  • Protection: The target is protected by a teammate from any damage and the teammate takes 50% of the damage.
  • Nirvana: Revive immediately to its 30% HP after being defeated
  • Energy Shield: Cast shields for the team
  • Blind: It has a 50% chance to deflect the hit, which will reduce 30% of the dealing damage.
  • ATK Reduce: Reduce ATK by 50%
  • DEF Reduce: Reduce DEF by 70%
  • Slow: Reduce Speed by 30%
  • Inertia: Cannot get buffs
  • Thor Curse: After the countdown, deal damage (Ignoring DEF)
  • Taunt: Can only use the first skill to attack the taunter.
  • Sleep: Enter Sleep status, and cannot take actions until attacked.
  • Poison: Each round deal damage by 5% of the max HP.
  • Frozen: Enter Frozen status, and cannot take actions
  • Stun: Enter Stun status, and cannot take actions
  • Healing Forbidden: Can’t recover HP
  • Silence: Cannot use skills with CD
  • Injury: Receive additional damage by 25%
  • Amnesia: Cannot trigger the passive skill

How to unlock Ranked Match?

1. Upgrade the stronghold to level 6

2. Finish the Riverside 1-5 with normal mode in Adventure

Ranked Match Season

New season will start after the last season ended for around 3days, please pay attention to the actual beginning time in game.

Rewards for Ranked Match?

A lot of rewards have been prepared for Ranked Match, including rare Catfish [Skill]. All rewards will be sent via mails. Please check rewards details by tapping the chest button at the upper right corner of Ranked Match interface.

Score Rewards: Chiefs can claim it once the score requirements are fulfilled.

Daily Ranking Rewards: The settlement will take place at 15:00 UTC every day. Chiefs can get rewards immediately according to the actual time Rankings.

Season Ranking Rewards: At the end of each season, Chiefs will get rewards according to the Season Rankings.

How to defend in Ranked Match?

1. Default defense team consists of the top 4 powerful partners of players

2. The default team may not be the best team, and it is easy to be restrained. You can check the defense team of the enemies you want to challenge, then choose the proper partners to restrain the defender to increase the winning chance.

3. Ranked Match and Stronghold defense teams need to be set separately, and they won’t influence each other, which can be set with the same team.

Challenge Chance (Axe)?

1. Challenge Chances will be displayed at the upper right corner of Ranked Match interface as an “Axe”.

2. Each challenge costs one “Axe”. At the start of each season, all Chiefs will have 3 chances. Once you use the Axe, it will take 8 hours to restore one. Of course, you can also use related items to restore the Challenge Chances immediately.

3. You can use gems to restore the Challenge Chance immediately too, the price for restoring will rise from 500 gems to 2000 gems at most(except for legend ranked match), purchasing the Challenge Chance will reset the restore CD time to 8 hours again.

Challenge rules for Ranked Match?

1. In Ranked Match, the system will arrange some random opponents of similar rankings with you, and you can choose one opponent from the list to challenge according to the strength of your Partners. But please remember, dangers present along with opportunity. Defeating more powerful Chiefs means more scores in return. Is it worthy to take the risk? It is a question that you need to think carefully before you start a challenge. If you can take advantage of color restraint relationships and partner skill effects, you will be invincible in Ranked Match!

2. If you are not satisfied with the current opponents, just tap the “”refresh”” button to find new opponents;

3. Free refresh will be restored every 30 minutes, you can also use 100 gems to refresh the opponents, which won’t reset the current CD time to 30 minutes;

4. Achieve the winning streak to get extra points, accumulating to 7- wining streak will gain 10 extra points. Please make full use of it;

5. Points will be deducted when defense failed, please set your defense team during different period;

6. Winning streak will not stop if defense failed.

What is Lonely Warrior?

A special monster that appears on the map. Different from other monsters, they must be challenged with Partners only. Each player can challenge the Lonely Warrior with the same Partner once a day.

How to join the challenge with Lonely Warrior?

1. How do you summon a Lonely Warrior?

Passing any stage in Adventure has a chance to get a “Summon Ticket”. During the event, Summon Tickets can be used to summon Lonely Warriors on the map. Each player can use up to 3 Summon Tickets each day.

2. How do you challenge the Lonely Warrior?

Challenging any Lonely Warrior requires the joint effort of a group. Therefore, it is crucial to create a rally and invite 1-4 Horde members to the challenge.

The rewards for challenging Lonely Warrior?

Defeating the Lonely Warrior within the time limit will be considered a victory, and all players who have contributed to the victory will be rewarded. You can find the rewards in “MY ITEMS”. Please note that if your rally fail to defeat the Lonely Warrior in time, no player will get the rewards.

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1. Summoner Chest

This is the best Chest exclusive to the summoner only.

2. Supreme Chest

Exclusive to the player with the most contribution.

3. Champion Chest:

A Chest that will be rewarded to a random player, except the one who has obtained the Supreme Chest. The player with a higher contribution will have a greater chance to get it.

4. Contribution Chest & Stone Coins

The contribution rewards for all players who have joined the challenge once the Lonely Warrior is defeated. Try your luck now! Please note that each player can get up to 800 Stone Coins per week.

Partner Battle

Partners have three different attributes: Brave, Wise, and Wild. Their mutual restraint relationships between these three attributes are: Wild < Brave < Wise< Wild. In battles, Green Arrow means restrain, Yellow Arrow means partners of the same attribute, and Red Arrow means restrained.

Action Bar and Speed:

When a character’s Action Bar reaches the max progress, the character can take action. The higher Speed can bring faster Action Bar progress recovery. When the battle starts, the partner with the highest Speed can take action first. It is important to take the initiative action before your opponents.

Attack Type:

1. Deflection: Deflections may occur in attacks. It will reduce the damage by 30% for this attack and cannot inflict debuff on enemy. Deflection rate will be influenced by hero attributes and debuffs.

2. CR: It has a basic 15% chance to deal CR in attacks, which will increase the damage of current attack by 50%. CR Rate is influenced by Skill, Rune and partner attributes.

3. Bash: It has a chance to deal Bash in attacking restrained targets. Increases the damage by 30% for current attack.

Buff and debuff:

Some skills will inflict buff for our side or debuff for enemy side. Most buffs and debuffs can’t be stacked.

Skill Res and Skill Hit:

The higher Skill Hit you get, the higher chance you can inflict debuff on enemies. The higher Skill Res you get, the less chance you will suffer debuff.

Old Bald Smithy

Old Bald is a smart artisan. He can help you forge many items, and he only asks for the materials, Soul and Shrimp, he loves in return.

1. Unlock Artisan

When your Stronghold reaches Lv.8, the Artisan system will unlock.

2. Unlock Recipe

When the Murloc Artisan has reached the required level, corresponding recipes will be unlocked.

3. Recipe Chances

Old Bald is an aged Murloc, so he is quite impatient. For some recipes, he won’t take to follow them to forge something multiple times within a short period.

Recipe chances will be reset daily at 0:00 UTC, or every Sunday at 0:00 UTC, or the first day of each month at 0:00 UTC.

Partner Arena

A pair of Partner duels will be displayed for a while; players can use the appointed items to bet on the duel results. For each round, a portion of Partner information will be hidden. For each round, there is a max limit for items can be used to bet. Each round, one player can only bet on one side. If they win, players will be rewarded with corresponding Crystal Turtle Shells based on the odds. Players can use Crystal Turtle Shells to exchange for rewards in shop.

Real Time Duel

It’s a new Partner Duel feature, and you can play it manually in real time!

Feature Process

Formation & Match: First, you will add 15 Partners to the team on the main interface of the feature; then you can tap “Battle” to match with an opponent and start a duel!

Ban & Pick: Once successfully matched with an opponent, both players can ban from among the opponent’s 15 Partners and pick their own Partners in order. Finally, each player can pick 5 Partners to join the battle.

Battle: Both players can duel manually and use skills properly according to their own judgment and strategy!


Each season lasts for 21 days, and the feature will become available on some hours each day during the season.

When a new season starts, the initial grade will be determined according to the last season’s final grade. Each season will present you with exclusive rewards.


Daily Quest: Play a Real Time Duel every day to complete quests and claim some rewards directly.

Grade Rewards: Grade rewards will be settled at the end of each season, and the rewards will be sent at the beginning of the new season.

Ranking Rewards: If you are in the Legend Grade and rank in the Top-200 at the end of the season, rewards can be received at the end of the current season.

How to unlock Ranked Match?

1. Uprade the stronghold to level 6

2. Finish the Riverside 1-5 with normal mode in Adventure

Ranked Match Season

New season will start after the last season ended for around 3days, please pay attention to the actual beginning time in game.

Rewards for Ranked Match?

A lot of rewards have been prepared for Ranked Match, including rare Catfish [Skill]. All rewards will be sent via mails. Please check rewards details by tapping the chest button at the upper right corner of Ranked Match interface.

Score Rewards: Chiefs can claim it once the score requirements are fulfilled.

Daily Ranking Rewards: The settlement will take place at 15:00 UTC every day. Chiefs can get rewards immediately according to the actual time Rankings.

Season Ranking Rewards: At the end of each season, Chiefs will get rewards according to the Season Rankings.

How to defend in Ranked Match?

1. Default defense team consists of the top 4 powerful partners of players

2. The default team may not be the best team, and it is easy to be restrained. You can check the defense team of the enemies you want to challenge, then choose the proper partners to restrain the defender to increase the winning chance.

3. Ranked Match and Stronghold defense teams need to be set separately, and they won’t influence each other, which can be set with the same team.

Challenge Chance?

1. Challenge Chances will be displayed at the upper right corner of Ranked Match interface as an “Axe”.

2. Each challenge costs one “Axe”. At the start of each season, all Chiefs will have 3 chances. Once you use the Axe, it will take 8 hours to restore one. Of course, you can also use related items to restore the Challenge Chances immediately.

3. You can use gems to restore the Challenge Chance immediately too, the price for restoring will rise from 500 gems to 2000 gems(at most). Purchasing the Challenge Chance will reset the restore CD time to 8 hours again.

Challenge rules for Ranked Match?

1. In Ranked Match, the system will arrange some random opponents of similar rankings with you, and you can choose one opponent from the list to challenge according to the strength of your Partners. But please remember, dangers present along with opportunity. Defeating more powerful Chiefs means more scores in return. Is it worthy to take the risk? It is a question that you need to think carefully before you start a challenge. If you can take advantage of color restraint relationships and partner skill effects, you will be invincible in Ranked Match!

2. If you are not satisfied with the current opponents, just tap the “refresh” button to find new opponents;

3. Free refresh will be restored every 30 minutes, you can also use 100 gems to refresh the opponents, which won’t reset the current CD time to 30 minutes;

4. Achieve the winning streak to get extra points, accumulating to 7- wining streak will gain 10 extra points. Please make full use of it;

5. Points will be deducted when defense failed, please set your defense team during different period;

6. Winning streak will not stop if defense failed.

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