Atlantis Odyssey: Island Quests

Kata’el Lake. Were do I find Clay?

The Kata’el Lake is quite large and full of resources. Here you can find a lot of useful things, including Clay. If you have a problem and don’t know where to go, move the camera in different directions, and you’ll see that you can go back!

Continue exploring the location and you will definitely find what you are looking for!

Here’s what clay deposits look like:

Snow Land. Campfire and Fish Soup.

Nicole, Robert, and Mi’ara face sharp winds and tall snowdrifts in the Snow Land. They should quickly find a source of heat to warm up in the cold! The Campfire discovered near the Abandoned Workshop can save them. How to light it? With the help of Flint, you can make a Tinderbox in the Abandoned Workshop. The Campfire is also used to cook a delicious Fish Soup to recover energy.

Snow Land. Abandoned Workshop. Tinderbox, Fishing Rod and Cedar Oil.

Abandoned Workshop is a wonderful place to warm up and gain strength. It is located in Snow Land, not far from the Frozen Gate on the Island of knowledge. It may take some time to find it.

Tinderbox, Fishing Rod, and Cedar Oil can be crafted at the Abandoned Workshop. You will need certain resources that you can find on islands or make yourself.

Tinderbox is made from Flint, Iron Ore, and Wood. You can find Flint next to Mi’ara’s portrait in the Snow Land. With the help of Tinderbox, you can light the Campfire to prevent Nicole, Robert, and Mi’ara from freezing in the cold weather.

READ:  Atlantis Odyssey: Camp: Farm and Animals

To make Cedar Oil, you will need Water and Pine Nuts. Pine Nuts can be collected from tall cedars near the Huge Gate. Cedar Oil helps activate the mechanism that opens the Huge Gate.

Snow Land. How to make a Fishing Rod?

It takes a lot of strength to continue the journey in the Snow Land, and hot Fish Soup may help to keep warm and recuperate. But how do you catch a fish? Luckily, Robert often went fishing as a child and offered his help in making a Fishing Rod!

Tap on the Abandoned Workshop. Scroll down on your right to select the Fishing Rod. It drops out after the Tinderbox. Make sure you have all the necessary materials to craft it: 3 Ropes, 2 Iron Ore, 5 Wood. Voila! Now you can catch a fish and cook a delicious Fish Soup on the Campfire.

1 thought on “Atlantis Odyssey: Island Quests”

  1. Hi. I can’t find the materials to upgrade the Leopard.
    I am pointed to the portal, but what am I looking for? Is i specia ressources?
    Should it be proccessed somehow?
    Kin regards
    Ms. Lotte Graversen


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