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Lords Mobile: All about buildings

Resource Buildings: Farm, Mine, Lumber Mill, Quarry, Manor

Farms, Mines, Lumber Mills, Quarries, and Manors produce and store their respective resources: Food, Ore, Wood, Stone, and Gold. These resource buildings can be upgraded to increase production rate and storage. Resource production will stop when storage is full.

Note: Upgrading the Manor will also increase Barrack training speed.

Military Buildings: Barracks, Infirmary

Barracks: Train troops here. Upgrade or build more Barracks to train more soldiers.

Infirmary: The Infirmary is where your injured troops are healed. All troops injured while defending, gathering, occupying, or reinforcing and 60% of troops injured in Skirmishes and outside your Turf (attacking, rallying, War for Wonders) will be sent here.

Admin Buildings: Castle (fixed), Castle Wall (fixed), Vault (fixed), Watchtower (fixed), Academy, Battle Hall, Embassy, Workshop, Trading Post, Prison, Altar

Castle (fixed): Your Castle is the most important building in your Turf. Upgrade it to unlock new buildings and features, and increase the max level of other buildings.

(Resource Buildings can only be of a higher level than your Castle when they are at Lv 2 to 4)

You can also view information about your resources and the upkeep of your troops at your Castle. Upgrading the Castle will also increase your Army Limit, max deployable Heroes in an Army, max Army Size, and max Guild Helps you can request from guildmates.

Castle Wall (fixed): The Castle Wall is your last line of defense. Garrison heroes and build traps here to protect your turf from invasion. Damaged walls regenerate over time. Upgrade to increase the Wall’s HP, recovery rate, and max Trap capacity.

Vault (fixed): Store your resources in the Vault to safeguard them during raids! Upgrade it to store more resources.

Watchtower (fixed): The Watchtower warns you of impending attacks, informs you when you have been scouted, and let you know when supply troops or reinforcements are arriving. Upgrade it to get more detailed reports. (Lv 25 Watchtowers will unlock the [Fortify] button. Tap it to quickly bolster your defenses for an impending Siege Battle, and lower your enemies’ power!)

Academy: Research new technology at the Academy to unlock boosts. Upgrade the Academy to reduce research time.

Battle Hall: Build a Battle Hall to start or join a rally! Upgrade your Battle Hall to rally more troops. (Soldiers that join a Rally will share the Coalition Leader’s attributes, including Technology, Boosts, Hero Skills, Equipment, and Altar Boosts.)

Embassy: Once you have an Embassy, your guildmates will be able to send troops to help you. Upgrade your Embassy to let more Allied Troops into your turf. Upkeep for Allied Troops sent to your turf will be paid by your guildmate.

Workshop: Forge Equipment, and fuse Jewels and Materials in the Workshop. Upgrade the Workshop to Lv 17 to unlock your Leader’s 2nd Accessory slot, and to Lv 25 to unlock the 3rd Accessory slot.

Trading Post: Trade resources with your guildmates at the Trading Post. Upgrade the Trading Post to send more resources and pay less supply tax. Upgrade the Trading Post to Lv 25 to increase your Supply Troops’ Travel Speed by 100%.

Prison: You can capture enemy Leaders in your Prison at Castle Lv 10+. If your Castle is Lv 17+, you’ll be able to execute prisoners. It takes longer to execute higher level prisoners. Upgrade your Prison to reduce waiting time. (Lv 25 Prisons will grant an Army ATK Boost when an enemy leader is imprisoned.)

Altar: The Altar grants temporary Army Boosts when you execute your captured Leaders. Upgrade the Altar to improve the effects of these boosts. (Executing 1 Leader grants a 24-hour boost. You can extend the duration of the boost by executing more Leaders.)

Special Buildings: Hero Stages, Shelter, Colosseum, Cargo Ship, Treasure Trove, Transmutation Lab, Labyrinth, Kingdom Tycoon, Bazaar

Hero Stages: Mix and match a team of 5 heroes to clear stages! This is e you can get Hero Medals and Trophies. STA is used to enter Herwhero Stages.

Shelter: The Shelter protects your Leader and troops from attacks. Troops in the Shelter will not be lost when your Castle is attacked. (The Shelter has a size and time limit.)

Colosseum: Send out a team of 5 Heroes to battle against other players here! Colosseum battles are all set to auto-battle. When you defeat a player of a higher ranking, you will exchange rankings with that player. You can gain Gems every 3 hours depending on your Colosseum ranking. There are 5 free entries daily, but you can use Gems or Familiar skills to get additional entries. The Colosseum is also influenced by Constellations that change periodically and may help or hurt Heroes depending on the requirements.

Cargo Ship: The Cargo Ship is stocked with amazing items! Trade resources to get the items you want. Each batch of items will remain in the shop for 6 hours. Once the timer runs out, a new batch of items will be brought in. You can also lock items in the shop to prevent them from being taken away.

Treasure Trove: Deposit Gems at the Treasure Trove and earn more Gems over time! Upgrade it to increase the max deposit amount and interest rate.

Transmutation Lab: Transmute Dark Essences (received when destroying Darknests) at the Transmutation Lab. The Transmutation Lab can store a maximum of 3 Dark Essences. You can only transmute one Dark Essence at a time. Each Dark Essence will take a different amount of time to transmute. You can claim your transmuted items once the transmutation is complete.

Labyrinth: Within the Labyrinth lie great treasures, but you must defeat the foul beasts that stand in your way! Only the light of a Holy Star can hurt the creatures that lurk in the Labyrinth. You might chance upon one of the Guardians while journeying through the Labyrinth. Defeat them to get their hoard of Gems!

Kingdom Tycoon: Grab your Luck Tokens and play Kingdom Tycoon to find hidden treasures!

  1. Use Luck Tokens to advance on the map. Tap [Start] to roll the die, and [Stop] to stop it. The number indicated on the die will determine the number of steps you can move.
  2. Map tiles may reward you with items or special effects. You could also bump into a Gemming Gremlin on the way! You will encounter a Gemming Gremlin once you reach the end of the map. Gemming Gremlin encounters will allow you to nab Gems from their stashes. If you’re lucky, you could even win their entire Gem stash!
  3. The map will be reset once you reach the end.

Note: Unlocked at Castle Lv 21+ after completing [Skirmish 8 – Sacred War].

Bazaar: A mysterious building is said to appear only to those chosen by fate. If you’re lucky, the Bazaar will grace you with its presence and offer you special packs!

  1. The Bazaar is unlocked after completing [Skirmish 4 – Lush Plains].
  2. The Bazaar will appear randomly in your Turf within the [Bountiful Plains] region.
  3. Enter the Bazaar to discover special packs! Offers are available for a limited time only.

Familiar Buildings (Clear Skirmish 8 to unlock): Monsterhold, Mystic Spire, Gym, Spring

Monsterhold: The Monsterhold is where you manage your Familiars. You can summon Familiars with Pacts, enhance them to the next growth stage, or upgrade their skills. You can also shatter Runes here.

Mystic Spire: The Mystic Spire is where you can get Pacts and Skillstones. Pacts can be used to summon Familiars (duplicate Familiars will turn into Runes). Skillstones are used to activate Familiar skills. Upgrade the Mystic Spire to increase the amount of items you can get in each batch.

Gym: Train your Familiars in the Gym! Here, they can gain EXP and level up. Elder Familiars at max level can also gain Skill EXP. (Each Gym built will give 1 additional training slot.)

Spring: Springs affect Anima production rate and storage. Production stops when storage is full. Build more Springs or upgrade them to increase efficiency and merging speed in the Mystic Spire.

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