King of Thieves: The Maze and Crystal Tears

The Maze in King of Thieves is the ultimate thievery challenge: it will require all your skills, but the rewards are great! It is a giant dungeon with many paths in it and a chest at the far end. The Maze is filled with traps that won’t instantly kill you, but they will reduce your health.

Your goal is to reach the chest with as much health as possible. The Maze is the only way to acquire a unique resource called  Crystal Tears and develop unique upgrades for your dungeon.

How to enter the Maze? What are daily quests?

To enter the Maze, you need to craft a special key. Complete daily quests to get the parts for the key. You can find daily quests in the mission menu. You can’t have more than three quests at the same time. New quests will appear on a daily basis, but if you don’t want to wait, you can start a new quest for orbs. When your key is ready, you will be able to enter the Maze. But remember: a key is valid for one run only!

Can I die in the Maze in King of Thieves?

No, you can’t die in the Maze and you don’t restart it from the beginning if you are hit by a trap. Moreover, the trap will be disabled once it catches you. However, you will still lose some of your health. The more health you have, the bigger the reward is.

READ:  King of Thieves: Dungeons and traps - Guide

What is the reward for completing the Maze? What are Crystal Tears?

Crystal Tears is a special resource that you can obtain for completing the Maze. They are needed for unlocking unique upgrades for your dungeon. You can find these upgrades and see how many  Crystal Tears you have in the dungeon upgrade menu. The more health you have when you reach the chest at the end of the Maze, the more  Crystal Tears you get. For example, if you finish the Maze with 3 stars, you get 15   Crystal Tears, and if you only manage to get 1 star, the reward is just 5 Tears. Moreover, each time you reach the chest in the Maze, you will have a chance to win additional rewards, such as orbs, gold, keys and more  Crystal Tears using the spinner.

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