Hero Wars Energy Guide

Energy in Hero Wars is a critical resource that determines when your heroes can unleash their Ultimate abilities during battles. Managing energy effectively is crucial for success in campaigns, arena battles, guild wars, and other game modes. This guide breaks down how energy works, how to manage it, and advanced strategies for maximizing its potential.

What is Energy?

Energy is a resource that heroes accumulate during battles. Once their energy bar fills up, they can activate their Ultimate ability, which can dramatically impact the outcome of the fight.

How Energy is Gained

Heroes gain energy through several mechanisms:

  1. Taking Damage:
    • Each time a hero takes damage, they gain energy. The more damage they take, the faster their energy bar fills up.
  2. Dealing Damage:
    • Heroes earn energy when they deal damage to enemies. This includes basic attacks, skills, and Ultimate abilities.
  3. Healing:
    • Some heroes gain energy when they receive healing from allies.
  4. Energy Boosts:
    • Certain buffs, artifacts, or support heroes (e.g., Martha, Dorian) can directly increase energy gain.
  5. Time:
    • Heroes passively generate a small amount of energy over time.

Energy Management

Proper energy management can turn the tide of battle. Here are some tips:

  1. Timing Ultimates:
    • Avoid activating Ultimates as soon as they are available. Timing them strategically, such as when multiple enemies are grouped together, can maximize their impact.
  2. Energy Overflow:
    • If a hero’s energy bar is full and you don’t activate their Ultimate, any additional energy gained is wasted. Use Ultimates before the hero reaches their maximum energy if more energy generation is expected soon.
  3. Energy Reset:
    • After using an Ultimate, a hero’s energy resets to zero. Plan your strategy accordingly to account for the cooldown period before their energy bar fills up again.
  4. Energy Denial:
    • Heroes like Jorgen can reduce or block enemy energy gain. Use such heroes strategically to prevent opponents from unleashing Ultimates.
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Energy-Related Heroes

Some heroes specialize in energy manipulation, either enhancing allies’ energy gain or disrupting enemies’ energy flow:

  1. Energy Boosters:
    • Martha: Provides healing and energy boosts for allies.
    • Dorian: Creates an aura that heals and indirectly supports energy gain.
    • Helios: His artifact weapon boosts energy gain for the team.
  2. Energy Denial:
    • Jorgen: Reduces energy gain for enemies and redirects it to your team.
    • Arachne: Stuns enemies, delaying their energy gain.
    • Lian: Charms enemies, interrupting their ability to build and use energy effectively.
  3. Energy-Dependent Heroes:
    • Some heroes rely heavily on their Ultimate abilities for effectiveness, such as Orion and K’arkh. Protect these heroes to ensure they can charge and use their energy efficiently.

Energy in Different Game Modes

Each game mode in Hero Wars has unique strategies for managing energy:

  1. Campaign:
    • Save Ultimates for tough waves or boss fights.
    • Use energy management to control the pace of battles.
  2. Arena and Grand Arena:
    • Timing is everything. Watch your opponent’s energy levels and plan your Ultimates to counter theirs.
  3. Guild Wars:
    • Utilize heroes like Jorgen or Arachne to disrupt enemy energy gain in high-stakes battles.
  4. Tower:
    • Preserve energy between waves. Finish fights with fully charged energy bars whenever possible.

Advanced Strategies

  1. Pre-Charging Energy:
    • In some modes, like the Arena, you can start a battle with partially charged energy if your heroes finished their previous battle with unused energy. Plan team rotations to maximize this advantage.
  2. Energy Buff Synergy:
    • Use heroes with complementary energy-gain buffs. For example, pairing Martha and Dorian can significantly improve your team’s energy flow.
  3. Countering Energy-Dependent Teams:
    • If your opponent relies on energy-hungry heroes like Orion or K’arkh, prioritize energy denial heroes like Jorgen.
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Artifacts and Energy Management

Certain artifacts play a key role in energy management. Focus on upgrading these artifacts to maximize their effects:

  1. Energy Gain Artifacts:
    • Look for heroes whose artifact weapons or unique skills provide energy boosts.
  2. Energy Reduction Artifacts:
    • Equip heroes with artifacts that reduce enemy energy gain for a tactical advantage.

Tips for Beginners

  1. Focus on Key Heroes:
    • Early on, focus on heroes like Martha, Jorgen, or Dorian who influence energy gain for better control in battles.
  2. Understand Enemy Patterns:
    • Learn which opponents rely on energy and Ultimates, and plan your team composition accordingly.
  3. Balance Offense and Defense:
    • Ensure your team has a mix of damage dealers, energy supporters, and crowd control to manage energy effectively.


Mastering energy mechanics in Hero Wars is key to dominating in battles. By understanding how energy is gained, using it strategically, and countering enemy energy gain, you can significantly improve your performance across all game modes. Experiment with different hero combinations and strategies to find what works best for your playstyle.

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