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Crazy Kitchen: Game Tips

How do I dip the strawberries?

To move strawberries around the board, start a chain of food with them. You’ll need two or more identical food pieces starting with the strawberry to count.

The Strawberries will always get dragged to the end of the chain that they are included in.

To dip the strawberries into the chocolate, drag them into the chocolate once you get close enough. Strawberries can be placed directly in the chocolate without a chain of 3.

Completing these levels requires you to dip all of the strawberries on the board, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves

How do I collect the Food Trays?

There are two types of Food Trays to collect: Trays and Rainbow Trays.

To collect Trays:

  • Create chains that include the tray with the specified food. Each food piece that is linked to the Tray counts down to the total you need to collect. The Trays will not move, so you need to plan your chains wisely!
  • If a Food Tray contains a Burrito that has the number 20 on it, you need to collect a total of 20 Burritos with the “Tray Burrito” included. For each Burrito that is included in a chain, the goal count is lowered by 1. When the value reaches zero, the Tray is “Collected”.

To collect Rainbow Trays:

  • The Food Tray changes every turn to match your last completed chain. In order to collect items on the Food Tray, match the gem on the Food Tray with surrounding gems of the same type. A solid strategy is to change the Food Tray to match the type of food items that surround it. If possible, use the food types that are not already connected to the Food Tray when trying to set the Tray to a specific food type.
  • You can use boosters to hit the Food Tray if you position them correctly. To create a booster, connect a matching string of 5 or more.

Completing these levels requires you to collect all of the Food Trays on your list, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How do I get a 3-Star rating?

To get 3-Star rating for each level:

  • Chain together as many combos as you can to reach the elusive 3-Star rating.
  • Gather the food pieces with gold numbers to increase your points.

How do I drop the Shakers?

Your Salt and Pepper shakers need to be refilled. You must clean up the food in your way to drop all the Salt and Pepper shakers to the bottom of the gameboard. Completing these levels requires you to collect all of the shakers on your list, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How to drop shakers with an arrow?

Your Salt and Pepper shakers need to be refilled, but your table is tilted so they keep sliding back up! You must clean up the food in your way to drop all the Salt and Pepper shakers to the bottom of the gameboard.

You must drop the shaker each turn, or it will start climbing back to the top. Completing these levels requires you to collect all of the shakers on your list, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How do I wash the dishes?

To move the Sponge around the board, start a chain of food with them. You’ll need two or more identical food pieces with the sponge to count. The sponge will always get dragged to the end of the chain that it is included in. To clean the dishes, drag the sponge over the dish. The sponge will remain on the board in place of the dish, and will need to be chained to the next dish from that point, so choose your moves wisely! Completing these levels requires you to collect/clean all of the dishes on the board, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How do I prevent my pan from catching fire?

Grease Pans have a counter showing how many moves you have before they catch on fire. Chain them with other food, or take them out with a chain booster to put them out. Once the counter hits 0, they will burst into flames! The fire spreads to new tiles each round that it is not put out. Chain food next to the fire to put out adjacent tiles. These levels can include any of the previous level types for completion.

How do I get a high score?

Chain together as many combos as you can to reach the elusive 3 star rating your restaurant. Completing these levels require at least a 1 star rating before running out of moves. Gather the food pieces with gold numbers to increase your points.

How do I beat the time?

Cook and serve as fast as possible. Chain food with green numbers to increase your time, and yellow numbers to increase your score. Sometimes it is better to ignore the level requirements to gain additional time. Levels with timers can include any of the previous level types. Rather than moves, you must complete the level requirements, and gain at least 1 star. At the end of a timed level, you may still see a Food Frenzy and fail the level. This will trigger to gain additional points from chain boosters or pots to get you to 1 star.

How do I break the ice?

Serve the food sitting on the ice blocks to chip them away. Completing these levels require you to break every ice block, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How do I serve the customers?

You must complete an order before starting on the next order. The next customer will warn you what they plan to order while they wait so that you can plan your chains. Customers won’t mind receiving more food than they ask for. Completing these levels requires you to serve all the customers in line their requested orders, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How do I collect the tips?

To move tips around the board, start a chain of food with them. You’ll need two or more identical food pieces with the coin to count. The coins will always get dragged to the end of the chain that they are included in. To put them into the tip jar, drag the coins into the jar once you get them close enough. Tips can be placed directly in a jar without a chain of 3. Completing these levels requires you to collect all of the tips on the board, and gain at least 1 star before running out of moves.

How can I access the freezers and pantries?

Collect your keys and match them to their locks to access your freezers and pantries while serving your meal time rush. Chain keys to food items to move them to their matching locks in order to access food secured behind them. These levels can include any of the previous level types for completion.

How much food can I stuff in the To-Go Box?

Create chains that include the To-Go Box with the specified food. Each food piece that is linked to the Box counts down to the total you need to collect. The Boxes will not move, so you need to plan your chains wisely.When the box is full, tap it to clear all of the shown food pieces from the board! These levels can include any of the previous level types for completion.

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