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Disney Wonderful Worlds: Park Builder

Unlocking a Land

Your Park is divided into Lands. These enchanting lands require wonderful Keys in order to unlock them. And each land requires a varied amount. But don’t worry, you start with five Keys given to you by our very own, magnificent, Minnie Mouse! With these five Keys, you can unlock one of two lands, Fantasyland or Adventureland.

From there, as you level-up your park and acquire more Keys, you will be able to accumulate enough Keys to unlock more lands.

If you access your navigation menu (map icon), you will be able to see how many keys you currently have in the top left corner.

So keep on collecting those Keys to gain entry into these marvelous Lands!

Building Your Park

You’ve unlocked a magical land and now you need to build it up and attract those wonderful guests! Building your park is a multi-step process.

You need Stars to acquire all the necessary restaurants, attractions, shops, decorations, classic Disney characters and their respective customizable variations. Stars are earned by playing match-3 puzzle games. Once you’ve acquired enough Stars, you will be able to complete the necessary Task that will help establish your Park.

There’s lots to build and collect, we can’t wait to see your Park grow!

Completing Tasks

Now that you’ve unlocked a Land, you will be given Tasks to complete to help you in building your Park.

Each task is broken down by sections within the land. These tasks consist of building structures, decorating your land, welcoming Disney characters, and customizing.

The task list given is divided into small groups that can be completed in any order. Some sections have more tasks than others. Once you have completed a give task list, a new section will open within your land and you will be given a whole new set of tasks to complete!

Tasks help in organizing your park management. There is no time limit, so you can go at it your own relaxed pace. Watch in wonder as your park thrives and comes to life!

Decorating Your Park

Besides building restaurants, attractions or shops, your park needs some extra embellishments! A little bit of added adornment for your park visitors to feast their eyes!

Decorations are available through given tasks. You’ll be given the option to select whichever bit of flourish you desire. Some decoration slots have more options than others, while some others still, have extra special decorations that require Gems instead of Stars. Some are only here for a limited time, and some available only through events.

Either way, they add a wondrous beauty to your Park. They cannot currently be acquired by any other means but through tasks, so be sure to check these decorations off your list!

Customizing Your Park

You’ve built your attractions, you’ve gathered classic and beloved Disney characters, and now it’s time to customize your Park for a special and unique look that is all your own!

Structures and Cast Members are customizable. Each have one or more variations that can be selected to give your Park that little bit of extra flair. Structures have added enhancements to complete their looks, while Cast Members have new and varied costumes that they can change into.

Tasks and Guest Wishes will give you the opportunity to customize. While you can only purchase one option to complete the task or guest wish, there’s nothing stopping you from returning later and purchasing the other selection, allowing you to seamlessly switch between all options at will.

Don’t forget, there are special and unique variations that will only be around for a short while, or acquired only through special events. So always be on the lookout for more frills and costumes!

Claiming your Daily Login Gift

Disney Wonderful Worlds loves to see players engaged and logging in on a daily basis, which is why we have a daily gift for those that visit us!

Every 24 hours, upon launching the game, you will have a marvelous pop-up allowing you to collect your daily gift. These gifts include boosters, tools, and gems! At the top of this Daily Bonus pop-up is your reward tracker. Notice the extra gift boxes along the way…

Collect daily gifts for six days and reach a special gift on day seven. If you miss a day, this weekly calendar will reset back to day one, so don’t miss out!

Your monthly tracker will never reset however, so you’ll always have a chance to claim that precious Day 30 gem reward, along with the extra bonus gifts at days 8, 15, and 22.

Join us every day and claim your gifts ~ we look forward to seeing you!

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