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Call of War: World War II – Gameplay related questions

The game is overwhelming, how should I start?

Read the Beginner’s Guide: How to Play here in the Wiki, which gives you tips how to proceed on your first days. Consult the Wiki for every new menu or game aspect you try to learn, but take your time. If you have specific questions you can also ask in the help chat within the game or in the Questions & Answers forums.

Why are enemy armies shown with question marks?

Your armies have an outer and inner view range. Foreign armies located in the outer view range of your troops have question marks, indicating that only their location is known, but not their army composition. The army composition will be revealed as soon as they enter your troop’s inner view range. Foreign troops will also be concealed when they are stationed in a fortification / bunker of level 3 or above. They will only become visible when this structure is destroyed or when they are revealed via espionage.

Why did I lose my province even though no enemy was nearby?

Provinces with 31% morale or less have a chance to revolt (uprising) at the next daychange. Revolting provinces may join another country in protest. To prevent this you can station troops in these low-morale provinces, which suppress revolts. Provinces that currently have a chance to revolt flash in red stripes on the map. Since newly conquered provinces start out with 25% morale you should consolidate your new territory first before pushing ahead. Building Propaganda Offices helps to improve morale quickly.

How do I win the game?

You need to conquer provinces until you reach enough victory points (VP) to trigger the victory condition. The amount of points you need is shown in the newspaper. It is usually 45% of all victory points on the map if you are playing alone or 65% of all victory points if you are playing in a coalition (the sum of VPs per player in the coalition is used). Both coalitions and solo players share th same ranking, so the game can only end either in a coalition victory or in a solo victory, but not both. After you win (or at any time you want) you can play more game rounds in different scenarios, using different countries.

I’ve purchased resources on the stock market, the money was deducted but no resources were added?

In general resources are never lost, there is always an explanation for it. If you had units/buildings in the build queue (High Command membership required) at the time of your resource purchase, the bought resources will be spent to start producing the units/buildings in the queue instead of being added to your stock. There is also the possibility that your game client was not connected to the game server anymore at that moment, making the interface show wrong information. A reload of the game usually fixes this, with your money or the resources being added to your account.

How can I increase my resource production?

The amount of resources you gain is influenced by 3 things: Any resource-boosting buildings being present in the province, the morale of a province, and the amount of troops which consume resources. First, the best way to improve resource production is to construct Industry in your core cities, and Local Industry in your main resource producing rural provinces. Leveling up these buildings also improves the resource production further. To increase manpower production you need to build and upgrade Recruiting Stations. Second, the higher the morale of a province, the more resources it produces. Build Propaganda offices in your main resource provinces which are struggling to reach 100% morale. Third, a big army also consumes more resources. If you are in peace time you might want to wait before building a huge army, or invest into your buildings in between producing more units.

Why does my unit take so long to produce?

First, production times are increased if the province has a morale below 80%. Make sure to get your province morale on a good level to not waste production time. Secondly, production times of advanced unit levels become higher, but can be lowered by upgrading the respective production building. The unit production time of a unit is lowered in half by each additional level of the production building, until the unit’s minimum production time is reached. You can check the minimum production time of a unit in the unit details panel (click on its icon in the army interface or on the info button in the build menu). A rule of thumb which works in most cases is that you need the production building on the same level as the unit to achieve minimum production time. For example, if you want to produce Infantry level 3 without losing any time, your Barracks should also be on level 3. If your Barracks are lower than level 3 in this example you would spend extra time to finish producing this unit, while a Barracks level 4 would not speed up the production any further.

Why are buildings in foreign provinces shown with a question mark?

Buildings of foreign provinces in the fog of war are hidden, shown with a question mark. You can reveal them by having the center of the province in the inner view range of one of your armies, or by using espionage.

What is the daychange?

Call of War progresses in real time, and each ingame day lasts 24 hours in real life (unless the game round is a speed event). Each 24 hours a daychange happens, at which point certain important calculations take place. The exact moment depends on the starting time of the game round and can therefore vary from round to round. The time until the next daychange is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen on mobile and the top right corner of the screen on desktop. At daychange armies heal, morale of provinces is increased or decreased, new research levels may become available, victory point amounts per player are updated and potentially victory is declared.

How can units be healed?

Units heal automatically at daychange, 15% of their missing health. Ground units heal when they are stationed on your own territory, air units heal when they are operating from one of your airbases and sea units heal anywhere on sea. You can also heal your units manually with gold via the corresponding button in the army bar. This is only possible if your units are currently not locked in combat.

How is province morale calculated and how can I increase it?

Province morale is updated at daychange. It increases or decreases by 15% of the difference between current morale and target morale. The target morale is calculated by subtracting or adding all morale influences from a baseline of 102% (so that a province can reach 100%), with a maximum achievable morale of 100%. For example: If there is a negative influence of -30 and a positive influence of +10, the morale will climb or fall until it reaches 82% morale. There are many different influences, for example the expansion factor (negative) when conquering a lot of provinces or the presence or Propaganda Offices (positive). Building Propaganda Offices is usually the best way to improve province morale long term. You can also increase it at any time using gold via the respective button in the province bar. Head over to the morale page to learn more.

Why can’t I produce new units in a province?

In general you can only produce units in urban provinces (cities). Additionally you can only produce units if you have built the required production building. Check out the unit details to see which buildings you need (click on the info button next to the unit in the build menu).

How does patrolling with aircrafts work?

Aircraft sent on a patrol are protecting an area of the map from enemy attacks and also grant vision over that area. When an enemy unit enters the blue patrol circle it will be attacked repeatedly when the patrol timer reaches zero. Attacked enemies defend and damage your aircraft as well. The patrol timer ticks down to zero every 15 minute and your aircraft will deal 50% of its normal damage, while also receiving 50% of the enemy’s defensive damage in return. If multiple enemy armies are within the circle, all of them will be attacked with the damage values divided and spread out accordingly.

If a patrol circle overlaps with an enemy patrol circle, both patrolling aircraft will attack each other as well. In such a case the applied damage depends on the size of the area that is overlapping, with full damage only being applied if more than half of the circle areas overlap.

Additionally, patrolling aircraft defend against every aircraft that is attacking another army within the patrol area.

When the patrol timer reaches zero there is also an espionage snapshot created for the armies within the patrol circle, meaning you will keep seeing them until the next daychange even when you move your aircraft away.

You can abort your patrol at any time. If you move your patrol destination to another point within the flight corridor (the red cone originating from the airbase) then your aircraft travels straight to the new destination without flying back. If the new location is outside of the flight corridor, then the aircraft has to land at the airbase first before traveling to the new location. If the aircraft has to rebase to another airbase to reach the new destination it also has to refuel at the new airbase before proceeding to the new destination.

Why are conquered provinces transferred to my ally/coalition member?

These provinces are core provinces of one of your coalition partners. It is a unique feature of coalitions that liberating allied core provinces from enemies returns those core provinces back to that ally. This ensures that your ally can stay in the game and fight alongside you. A corresponding article in the newspaper is triggered when this happens.

I have achieved the necessary victory points to win. Why hasn’t the game ended yet?

Victory point counts are updated at daychange, and therefore also game victory is awarded at daychange. If the daychange has already passed without victory being declared then the likely explanation is that you are currently a member of a coalition and looking at the solo victory requirements. These are lower than the coalition victory requirements. As long as you are a member of the coalition the solo victory will not trigger.

My units are fighting the enemy but nothing seems to happen, why?

Combat progresses in 30min intervals, meaning damage is only dealt every 30 minutes. This means that it can take several hours until an army is defeated. How fast this goes also depends on the army size, the amount of hitpoints and the damage statistics.

Why is this game so slow?

Call of War is designed to be played in real time over the course of multiple weeks. To make this work certain actions have to take a while, so that each player in the game has a chance to react and play for a while before being potentially defeated. Certainly the game can also feel slower than it needs to be if you are managing your country ineffectively, which is normal on your first playthrough. Keep at it and you will learn how to achieve your goals in the game much faster than before. There are also speed Events available on a regular basis that allow you to play the game on 2x, 4x, 6x or even 10x the regular speed. Keep a look on the main page and the games list to not miss any such events.

How do I build transport ships?

Transport ships are not producible. Your units automatically convert to transport ships when embarking on sea, while converting back to their normal form when disembarking again. When you research higher transport ship levels then your units on sea will be more robust and move faster.

What happens if I conquer a capital city?

The morale of all the other nation’s provinces is immediately lowered by 20%, while your own provinces immediately gain 10% morale. The other nation’s provinces will continue to lose morale if they don’t build a new capital. You also receive half of the money that the other nation has stored at that moment.

Why are buildings in conquered provinces always damaged/destroyed?

This is an automatic process and simulates the damage from fighting in the province as well as scorched earth tactics by the enemy.

Can I upgrade my unit to the highest level immediately and do I need to pay for all levels in between?

You can skip levels when upgrading your units, meaning you can upgrade a level 1 Infantry straight to level 7 if you still have level 1 Infantry on the field, but level 7 already researched. You will only pay half the price/time of the level 7 Infantry to upgrade. This means it becomes more and more lucrative to upgrade your troops the longer you wait, but it also keeps your country vulnerable. You have to judge if the trade-off is worth it.

What happens if me and my ally attack the same province?

Your armies will remain separate, but they will fight together against the common foe. Of course only one of you can conquer the province in the end. The army which arrives at an empty province first, conquers it. The army which does the last hit destroying the garrison of a guarded province, conquers it.

How does Espionage work?

Espionage allows you to deploy spies in order to reveal enemy armies as well as country information or to sabotage enemy provinces on daychange. You can also defend your nation from enemy espionage or use agents (gold actions) to retrieve information immediately. Head over to the Espionage page to learn how this works.

What are Doctrines?

Each country belongs to one of 4 Doctrines and can not be changed. Doctrines grant bonuses to units and alter the day on which researches become available. Please check out the Doctrines page to learn more.

What does popularity with AI nations do, what affects it and how can I increase it?

Your popularity with AI nations determines whether they change their diplomatic relations towards you after a while in the positive direction (Right of Way or Shared Map) or in the negative direction (Trade Embargo or War). Maintaining a good popularity is therefore helpful if you do not want to end up in wars with a lot of AI. Your popularity with an AI nation is decreased when you: Have bad diplomatic relations or war with them or their friends, have peace or better relations with their enemies, have troops in their country without Right of Way, produce a lot of troops while you are already unpopular, get your spies caught by them. Your popularity with AI nations is increased when you: Have good diplomatic relations with them or their friends (setting them to Right of Way or Shared map), are enemies with their enemies, buy/sell resources to them on the stock market, get war declared on you by someone else.

How did my units disappear?

There can be multiple reasons for this. For example it is possible that you accidentally moved your troops to another location. It is also possible that your troops were destroyed by an enemy, potentially by a long ranged weapon or aircraft. Another possibility is that your troops were stationed in a revolting province and were destroyed or changed ownership during the uprising. Destruction of units or ownership changes can be looked up in the newspaper or in the front reports, as it is usually mentioned in the automated articles/reports.

What is the blast radius / area damage?

Every attack also damages all armies in a radius of 5 around the attack target (for comparison: An artillery has an attack range of 50). The damage amount is spread evenly among all affected armies. In case of close-combat attacks all armies within that radius of 5 also defend back against the attacker. Nuclear weapons damage all units in a blast radius of 50.

Is there friendly fire damage?

Your own units as well as allied units do not hurt themselves or each other during combat (no friendly fire), with the exception of rockets and nuclear weapons. Rockets also hurt own and allied units in a radius of 5, while nuclear weapons hurt own and allied units in an area of 50.

How do I select my whole army or specific units?

Double tap / click on an army, it will select all armies which consist of the same unit types. Alternatively you can select an army and then use the add army button on mobile to add more armies to your selection, or hold shift on desktop while clicking on additional armies. Lastly you can also select multiple armies by drawing a circle around them: Tap and hold on the screen, then draw the circle on mobile, hold right click and then draw the circle on desktop. If you want to select or separate specific units from your armies, you have to select the army and use the split command button in the army interface. Splitting units to optimize your army stacks is recommended.

Why is my army taking damage even though there is no enemy in sight?

You likely put your army into a forced march. There is a button to toggle forced march on and off in the army bar. Units on forced march move 50% faster, but lose 5% hitpoints per hour. The other possibility is that your units were attacked by long range weapons, such as railroad guns, airplanes or rockets, without you noticing it.

What resources do I get when I conquer a province?

When you conquer a regular province you receive 50% of the daily resource production amount of that province. When you conquer a capital province you receive 50% of the stored money of that nation.

What is a trade embargo and why did everyone embargo me?

Trade embargoes are a diplomatic relation that can be set in the diplomacy menu. You can not buy offers on the stock market anymore from nations which embargoed you. Usually AI players embargo other nations with low popularity. Your popularity can for example drop when you start a lot of wars. If your popularity drops further AIs might also change their trade embargo to a state of war.

How can I load an airplane onto an Aircraft Carrier?

Simply move or drag the aircraft onto the Aircraft Carrier. A carrier can only hold a certain amount of planes, which rises per level. You can read up on the current amount in the unit details panel. Only Interceptors, Attack Bombers, Tactical Bombers and Naval Bombers can land on carriers.

How do I declare war?

There is no necessity to declare war upfront, although it is a courteous act. You can do so in the diplomacy menu, by choosing a nation, clicking on ‘your relation’ and changing it to war. War is also declared automatically when you attack a foreign nation.

Why do armies sometimes ‘jump’ to a nearby position (e.g. another army or province center) even though they were still some minutes of travel time away?

There is a snapping feature in the game when issuing new commands. When an army is within a radius of 5 (for comparison: An artillery has an attack range of 50) to an enemy army or to an enemy province center, the army can jump directly to that position when receiving another command, and skip the remaining travel time.

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