Call of War: World War II – How to increase morale?

Each province has a morale value ranging from 0% to 100%. The higher the morale value, the happier the province and the more benefits the province provides for its nation.

The following aspects are influenced by the state of province morale:

  • The resource production rate.
  • The money production rate.
  • The manpower production rate.
  • The unit production time.
  • The building construction time.
  • The chance for an uprising to occur in the province.
  • The positive or negative influence on the morale of neighboring provinces.

As can be seen, the province morale is very important and should be kept as high as possible.

Morale trend & influences

The morale of a province can rise or fall at daychange depending on its trend. The morale trend of a province is affected by morale influencing factors. Such factors include:

  • Distance to the capital province. The higher the distance to the capital, the bigger the negative influence on province morale.
  • Morale value of own neighboring provinces. If the neighboring provinces are above 80% morale, the effect is positive, if they are below 80% morale, the effect is negative.
  • The amount of enemy neighboring provinces. The more there are, the stronger the negative effect on morale.
  • The amount of provinces that the country owns in total. The higher the amount of conquered provinces, the higher the expansion penalty on morale.
  • Propaganda Office built in the province. The higher its level, the higher the positive effect on province morale.
  • Resource shortages add a negative effect on morale.
  • Nuclear radiation from atomic bombs adds a negative effect on morale.

The province morale will rise or fall according to its trend until it reaches its target morale. The target morale can be calculated by adding/subtracting all morale influencing factors from the base value 102. So if a province had negative morale influences of -30, the province morale would change towards a morale of 72%. The morale shifts each daychange by 15% of the difference between current morale and target morale.

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Immediate effects on morale

Provinces can also have their morale decreased or increased immediately by certain events, which include:

  • The conquering of a capital province immediately increases the morale of all provinces of the conqueror by 10%.
  • The loss of a capital province immediately decreases the morale of all provinces of the former owner of the capital by 20%.
  • Conquering a province immediately sets its morale to 25%.
  • When a province with high morale is lost, but then gets reconquered by the previous owner, the province immediately receives a large morale bonus that reinstates the province morale close to where it has been before it was lost.
  • When a province is attacked by any unit, it immediately receives morale damage each combat round depending on the unit type and level (this can be checked in the unit details panel).
  • Gold can be spent to boost the province morale immediately by 10% via a propaganda campaign.
  • Economic sabotage spies fulfill their mission in the province successfully.


If the morale of a province drops below 31%, then it has a chance to revolt on the next daychange. This is also called rebellion or uprising. The lower the province morale, the higher the uprising chance. This can be counteracted by keeping units in the center of the province until its morale increases above the threshold. The higher the garrison strength of the stationed units, the lower the chance for an uprising to happen.

When an uprising happens at day change, it can have the following effects:

  • The province changes ownership to another nation in the vicinity.
  • The units stationed in the center of the province change ownership to another nation.
  • The units stationed in the center of the province get damaged or destroyed.
  • The buildings of a province get damaged or destroyed.
  • The morale value of the province drops or rises only by a small amount.

A conquered province initially always has 25% morale. Without an army present in such a province the chance for an uprising is as high as 19%. So statistically speaking, without any counter measures taken it has to be expected that 19% of all conquered territory revolts at the next daychange. To prevent that it is recommended to place armies in the center of conquered provinces. When the province is at 25% morale a garrison strength of 10 or more is needed to lower the chance for an uprising to 0%. If the province has even less morale than 25%, a higher garrison strength is needed. To play it safe, keep the army in the province until the province morale is increased to above 31% (morale is updating each daychange). The morale can also be increased immediately by spending gold on propaganda campaigns or by conquering capital provinces.

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If a province has a chance to revolt, it is indicated by a column of smoke on the map as well as glowing red stripes.

Checking morale in the province bar

The current morale of a province can be assessed by selecting the province and checking the morale value in the province bar.

On mobile

  1. After tapping on a province on the map, the province bar opens. In the lower right of the province bar you can see the morale value of the selected province.
  2. You can also see the current morale value via the blue circle around the morale icon in the circle menu. You can immediately boost the morale of the province by 10% by tapping the button. This action costs gold, the price is shown after tapping the button the first time.

On desktop

  1. After clicking on a province on the map, the province bar opens. In the lower left of the province bar you can see the morale value of the selected province, as well as an info button to access more information.
  2. You can immediately boost the morale of the province by 10% by clicking the propaganda campaign button. This action costs gold, the price is shown when hovering the cursor over the button.
  3. When clicking the morale info button, a tooltip opens which shows various useful information:
    • The current morale value.
    • The current morale trend (rising, stable or falling).
    • The current garrison strength of the units stationed in the province center.
    • The chance of an uprising to happen in the province.
    • A list of morale influences in the province, which can decrease or increase the morale value at the next daychange. To calculate the target morale value that the province gravitates towards, one has to subtract all negative morale influences from the number 102 and then add all positive morale influences. At day change the province rises or falls by 15% of the difference between the current morale and the target morale.
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Checking morale in the province list

You can get a good overview on the morale value of a lot of your provinces in the province list.

On mobile

  1. Open the province list from the menu at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Look at the blue circle around the morale icon to check the current province morale value. This way you get a quick overview where countermeasures are needed. You can immediately boost the morale of the provinces by 10% by tapping the button. This action costs gold, the price is shown after tapping the button the first time.

On desktop

  1. Open the province list via the button on the right side of the screen. The button stays attached to the left side of the opened list and can be clicked again to close the list.
  2. Look at the morale column to check the morale value of your provinces. You can even sort the column from low to high morale by clicking on the header. This way you get a quick summary on where countermeasures are needed.

Morale map view mode

Another option to quickly assess the morale values of your own and even enemy provinces is by activating the morale map view setting. This view mode paints all provinces on the map in various colors, depending on their current morale value. You can not only see the morale colors for your own provinces, but also for neutral or enemy provinces. From this information you can deduce where land was conquered recently.

  1. Provinces with high morale have a green tone.
  2. Provinces with an average morale have a yellow tone.
  3. Provinces with low morale have a red tone.

You can activate and deactivate this morale view mode in the game settings (see below):

On mobile

  1. Tap on the more button in the lower right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on the settings button to open a popup with different game settings.
  3. You can toggle morale view on or off via this button. It is recommended to use different view modes depending on the current needs.

On desktop

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