In Township, peaches are a valuable crop used to create various products, such as peach jam and other items that are required for completing orders and expanding your town. Peaches are not only essential for fulfilling orders but also provide high rewards in terms of experience points and cash. However, obtaining peaches can sometimes be a bit tricky, especially early in the game when access to different crops and production facilities may be limited.
This guide will explain in detail how to obtain peaches in Township, including the best methods to unlock them, how to grow them efficiently, and how to incorporate them into your overall gameplay strategy. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to help you farm peaches and maximize their benefits in your town.
1. Unlocking Peaches in Township
Peaches are an essential crop in Township, but they are not immediately available when you start the game. To begin farming peaches, you need to progress through a few stages of the game. Here’s how you can unlock peaches and get started:
A. Unlocking the Peach Orchard
Peaches are grown in the Peach Orchard, a special production building that you unlock after reaching a certain level in the game. To unlock the Peach Orchard, you need to complete specific milestones that require you to upgrade your town and unlock new areas. Typically, you need to reach level 32 in the game before you gain access to the Peach Orchard. Once unlocked, you can plant peaches and grow them for use in various recipes.
B. Unlocking Through the Township Level
While the Peach Orchard unlocks at level 32, it’s essential to keep upgrading your town by completing tasks and objectives. Some higher-level tasks may require peaches, so make sure to farm them consistently once you have access. Additionally, the higher you level up, the more advanced crops and products you’ll have access to, including peaches.
C. Expanding Your Farm
In addition to leveling up your town, you will need to expand your farm to accommodate the Peach Orchard and other production facilities. Expanding your farm allows you to grow more crops and produce more items, so be sure to invest in farm expansions as you progress through the game.
2. Growing Peaches: Farming Tips
Once you’ve unlocked the Peach Orchard, you can begin farming peaches. However, growing peaches efficiently requires a strategic approach to manage your farm space, production buildings, and crop timing.
A. Plant Peaches in the Peach Orchard
To plant peaches, simply navigate to the Peach Orchard on your farm and plant the peach seeds. The peach crop takes 6 hours to grow, making it a medium-duration crop. While it’s not the fastest-growing crop in the game, it yields a decent profit when harvested and is crucial for completing higher-level orders.
B. Optimize Farm Space
Since the Peach Orchard occupies a designated space on your farm, you’ll need to make sure you have enough room to plant peaches. Optimize your farm layout by removing obstacles and organizing your crops efficiently. This will allow you to plant more peaches and other crops at the same time, increasing your farm’s productivity.
C. Use Boosters and Township Cash
To speed up the peach-growing process, consider using boosters or Township Cash. Boosters can reduce the growing time of your crops, while Township Cash can be spent to instantly finish growing peaches if you’re in a hurry to complete an order or task. Using these resources strategically can help you grow more peaches faster and complete your orders more efficiently.
3. Peaches in Production: Creating Products
Peaches are used to create products in various production buildings within Township, including the Jam Factory, where you can make peach jam. Here’s how you can use peaches in your production process:
A. Peach Jam
One of the primary products made from peaches is peach jam, which is required for fulfilling certain truck, train, and helicopter orders. To make peach jam, you’ll need to combine peaches with sugar in your Jam Factory. This product is often in high demand and can be sold for a significant amount of cash.
To keep up with demand, make sure to stockpile peaches and produce peach jam regularly. You can also upgrade your Jam Factory to improve production efficiency, allowing you to create more peach jam in less time.
B. Other Products
Aside from peach jam, peaches may also be required in other production buildings to create various items. As your town expands and new buildings are unlocked, keep an eye on the products that require peaches, such as cakes or pies, and ensure you always have a sufficient supply of peaches to meet production demands.
4. Peaches in Orders and Trading
Peaches play a crucial role in fulfilling orders and trading goods within Township. Here’s how to use peaches for these purposes:
A. Fulfilling Orders
Truck, helicopter, and train orders often require peaches or peach products like peach jam. These orders offer valuable rewards in the form of cash, experience points, and Township Cash. To complete these orders quickly, make sure you always have a stockpile of peaches and peach-related products in your production buildings. This will ensure you can fulfill orders as soon as they appear and avoid delays.
B. Trading Peaches with Neighbors
In addition to fulfilling orders, you can trade peaches with your neighbors or co-op members. Trading allows you to exchange excess items you have for the goods you need to complete orders or expand your town. By joining a co-op, you can also participate in special co-op tasks that involve peaches, helping you earn Township Cash and other rewards in the process.
5. Peach-Related Events and Special Offers
Keep an eye out for special events or offers that feature peaches as part of the rewards or event tasks. Township often runs events where you can earn extra peaches, Township Cash, or boosters by completing specific tasks related to peaches. These events are an excellent opportunity to gather more peaches quickly and stockpile them for future orders.
Peaches are a vital crop in Township, used for producing valuable products like peach jam and fulfilling high-level orders. To obtain peaches, you need to unlock the Peach Orchard by reaching level 32 in the game, after which you can begin planting and harvesting peaches. Make sure to manage your farm space effectively, upgrade your production buildings, and keep an eye on peach-related orders to maximize your profits.
By optimizing your peach production and incorporating peaches into your broader town strategy, you can continue to progress through the game while generating a steady income. Participating in events and trading goods with neighbors and co-op members will further enhance your ability to make money with peaches, ensuring your town’s continued success. Happy farming!