Forge of Empires: Guild Battlegrounds

  1. How can I unlock the Guild Battlegrounds?
  2. Why the difference in rewards is so close between first and last places?
  3. If I move to the next Age while a Battleground is running, which goods and units will be demanded?
  4. What happens when a Guild is disbanded?
  5. Why inactive guilds are gaining rewards as well?
  6. Why is this getting so hard to conquer a province?
  7. Why some province buildings are so expensive?
  8. Which treasury goods will be asked to raise province buildings?
  9. Why do we have gold and platinum guilds in the same Battleground?
  10. My guild finished a battleground in first place, and we didn’t move to the next league! Why?
  11. Why was my guild positioned in this League and how can we advance?
  12. How many participants can we have in a Battleground map?

How can I unlock the Guild Battlegrounds?

There are only two requirements to unlock the Guild Battlegrounds:

  1. Be part of a guild
  2. Research ‘Military Tactics’
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Once you’ve reached both of these requirements, you can access the Battlegrounds building that’s located northeast of your city limits.

Nevertheless, to play it, your guild needs to be signed up for the current battleground.

Why the difference in rewards is so close between first and last places?

Because the worst reward of a given league must be better than the best reward of the league below. The main reason to try to win a given Battleground is to get to the next league, as the league alone has a pretty big impact on your rewards, not only placement rewards, but also the forge point drops you occasionally get. The higher the league, the more FP and Diamonds you can get (diamonds are 5 in Copper league, and +5 for each league higher). The chance to get 5 units is low in Copper league, but this chance is increased up until Diamond League.

The higher leagues have the best rewards. To move in the leagues, you need to gain MMR, which means that if you finish a battleground in a very good position, you will gain more MMR, thus you’ll move faster to the next leagues.

If I move to the next Age while a Battleground is running, which goods and units will be demanded?

Similarly to the Guild Expedition, the units and goods for negotiations will remain the same as the ones demanded when the Battleground started.

What happens when a Guild is disbanded?

If a guild gets disbanded, it will lose all provinces and these provinces becomes conquerable. The province buildings, however, remain in the map.

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Why inactive guilds are gaining rewards as well?

They’re not! A guild that is too inactive will get no rewards at all. They have to do a certain amount of actions to be eligible for the reward.

Why is this getting so hard to conquer a province?

Each individual guild member will accumulate “attrition” for every single successful battle or negotiation. It will increase by one level each time one of these actions is completed successfully. The higher the attrition, the tougher the fights/negotiations will be. You can check the amount of attrition you currently have by clicking in the following button:

The attrition gets reset on a daily basis at midnight (server time).

Why some province buildings are so expensive?

Some of those province buildings are very powerful, thus they should be used strategically as a game-changer in specific scenarios. Although you may find cheaper province building options, placing any province building is a strategical action to gain more control over the map, so choose them wisely.

Which treasury goods will be asked to raise province buildings?

Only the eras that are represented in a guild will determine the costs of province buildings. For example, if a guild has two members, one in Iron Age and one in Colonial Age, then only goods from those two specific ages will ever be asked for. Nevertheless, the distribution takes into account the weighting of represented eras, which means that if a guild has mostly members of Space Age Mars, then it’s most likely to see Space Age Mars goods as costs.

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Why do we have gold and platinum guilds in the same Battleground?

The matchmaking system tries to build a reasonable platinum battleground; therefore, it will take as many (high) gold players as necessary to be able to have a battleground running in platinum.

My guild finished a battleground in first place, and we didn’t move to the next league! Why?

The league promotion depends on your guild’s current MMR points. What could have happened is that the MMR points required to be promoted was higher than the actual amount of MMR points your guild gained in a battleground.

Why was my guild positioned in this League and how can we advance?

The initial calculations are based on number of members and activity (and success) within Guild Expeditions and Guild vs Guild over the past two weeks (at the point of calculation). This calculation is just an approximation, as it could never reflect the final rank of a guild. For that to be reflected, we need a few seasons so that the league system can sort it itself naturally.

Every guild has a value assigned, also known as “Match-Making-Rating” (MMR). This value decides on the league allocation and as your Guild plays Battlegrounds, you will advance to a more competitive league or move down to a more fairly balanced one. It is best to consider the first few seasons of battlegrounds as a way to “calibrate” the place where your guild should be located.

How many participants can we have in a Battleground map?

Battlegrounds can contain from 5 to 8 participants. The more competitors you have, the more MMR points are at stake (in short, you can win more, but you can also lose more).

1 thought on “Forge of Empires: Guild Battlegrounds”

  1. Goods from one age BELOW for each member are also often asked for.
    I have a few 1-player guilds, and I’m OFTEN getting asked for goods from the age BEHIND the age my city is in in negotiations – and commonly a MIX of 2 ages.


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