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Home ยป Six-Guns: Gang Showdown – Frequently Asked Questions

Six-Guns: Gang Showdown – Frequently Asked Questions

Why do certain in-game timers display negative numbers?

The game uses the system time and manipulating that time can lead to certain parts of the game functioning incorrectly.

What is the highest level I can reach?

The Level cap is fixed at level 50.

How often does my life refill?

The life bar only refills outside missions at a rate of 1 health point every 10 seconds. However, at any time — and also during a mission — you can purchase a Health Elixir for faster recovery.

How can I play the Lottery?

You need to be level 3 and to have completed the King of the Hill mission. The Lottery is marked by icons with a star and can be found on the map near the Abandoned Train in Arizona, and in the Saloon in Oregon. You can also find Lottery icons in the In-Game Menu and in the Free Stars section.

I’ve selected the Hunting quest: Where can I find the animals that are required in order to complete this quest?

Check the map screen; you’ll find animal icons marking their habitat.

How can I upgrade my weapons?

You need to select a weapon you own in the Store, and then tap on the Upgrade icon. After that, you can choose the upgrade that you want to apply.

How do I skip my current mission?

You can access the Map and tap the “Exit Quest” icon on the right side. You can either drop the quest or skip it; skipping costs Sheriff Stars.

Can I purchase a Healing Elixir in the Store to recover health?

Yes, you can, but you will not be able to use them often in multiplayer. After healing, you need to wait a certain period before healing again.

How can I see my personal result at the end of the match?

In the match summary screen, select the ‘Personal Result’ tab. Also, you can look at your overall progress in the Leaderboards (go to the ‘Leaderboards’ tab and tap on ‘My Rank’). You can also quickly switch to the top players (by tapping on the ‘Top’ icon). Friends are marked with the special icon.

How can I see match stats while playing?

While playing, tap on Match Score Display (in the upper center of the screen) to see your own scores, other players’ scores and other statistics. In addition, the time remaining and the current score in the match are displayed directly on the Match Score Display.

How do I bring the enemy flag to my base if my team’s flag is missing?

You can only score if your own flag is at your base. If it’s not, your team has to find a way to return it to the base before you can score.

What are Elixirs?

Elixirs are consumable items that last for several dozen seconds. You can purchase them with Sheriff Stars or win them in the lottery.

What do Elixirs do?

There are 3 types of boosts:

Berserker: This elixir increases your weapons damage for a short period of time.

Masquerade: This elixir makes you invisible to your enemies for a short period of time in single-player and makes you look like your enemy in multiplayer.

Turbo: This elixir increases your speed for a short period of time.

How do I activate Elixirs?

Elixirs can be activated through the collapsible menu in the lower-right corner.

How do I know if an Elixir has been activated?

When an Elixir is activated, a cooldown period will appear on it; the other two Elixirs will be grayed-out.

How do I earn Sheriff Stars?

You earn Sheriff Stars by playing the game! You can earn them by participating in the Events or leveling up. Also, don’t forget to check our Facebook community often; surprises are waiting for you there!

What are the benefits of being a member of a top gang?

Top gangs receive massive rewards at the end of the gang season. To bring a gang to the top, all gang members should participate in the events and earn trophies (event points). A gang’s points are equal to the total trophies of all gang members.

What are the benefits of being a gang’s leader?

Leaders can accept/decline player requests to join the gang or kick other gang members out of the gang. Also, the leader can edit gang info. If the leader leaves the gang, the member with the highest event score will take their place.

What is the rating (crossed-pistols icon)?

The rating shows how successful you are in multiplayer and also helps you to climb the league ranks. The better you play, the higher your score.

What are trophies (cup icon)?

Trophies are points that you gain in the events. Participate in the events on a regular basis to gain more points and lead your gang to glory.

How can I buy items from the Most Wanted Shop?

You should be in a Most Wanted league or become a Top-10 gang member to buy these items.

What are the benefits of being a VIP player?

VIP players receive progressive rewards every day, can participate in VIP events, and will be able to buy exclusive VIP-only items in the Most Wanted Shop.

How can I reach the next VIP level?

You can reach the next VIP level by collecting VIP points in events, through daily bonuses, or by purchasing in-game currency.

How can I activate VIP status?

To activate your VIP status, you should buy any of the in-app purchase packs in the shop. VIP status can only be activated for a certain time period; this time period depends on the size of the pack you buy. If your VIP status is deactivated, you can buy another pack to reactivate it again. You won’t lose your VIP level while your status is deactivated; however, you won’t receive your VIP daily bonuses during this time.

What are the lottery tickets?

Lottery tickets give you a free try in one of the lotteries. There are three types of tickets: one each for the Bronze, Silver, and Gold lotteries.

Where can I get lottery tickets?

You can get lottery tickets with a VIP daily bonus if your VIP status is active.

I’m running out of saddle slots, but I need to pick up some valuable items and don’t want to buy saddle slots. What can I do?

In this case you can go to the In-Game Menu, and then the Saddle Bag section, and select items that you don’t need in your inventory and tap ‘Remove.’ After that, you will have freed up a slot and will be able to pick up any item you want.

What do Free/Bronze/Silver/Gold Bullets mean in the Lottery selection screen?

Each type of lottery has its own set of items to win. The Free Bullet chest contains pretty basic prizes; the Bronze, Silver and Gold contain items and equipment that are more valuable or even potentially unique.

Where can I see my achievements?

Go to the In-Game Menu > Options > Info > Achievements section.

I finished an Event in a prize position but didn’t receive a reward. What am I doing wrong?

Rewards come in a few hours after the Event has ended.

How can I participate in the Showdown?

You have to be a member of a Gang to participate in the Gang Showdown.

How do I start the Showdown?

Donate some funds to the Gang Chest. When there are enough funds to start the Showdown, the leader or top donors can select the type of Showdown — for coins or stars.

How do I capture a Fort?

You can take a Fort by playing basic multiplayer matches. The more you score in a match, the more effect you have on attacking/defending a certain Fort. You can also use Attack and Defense boosts — Rush and Protect — to increase your effectiveness in battle.

What do I need to do to win the Showdown?

You have to capture the most Forts on the map while preventing the capture of your own. When the Showdown is over, each Fort controlled by your Gang will increase your score. The Gang that scores the most points at the end of the Showdown wins.

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